1300 881 773
4.4.3 Period Tracking
Period Tracking is to enable the preset tracking function in appointed periods. Only up to 3
time periods.
Device will stay in deep sleep mode except the appointed tracking period.
Time format need to be in military time and can be set to every half hour.
*periodlocate*(8 digits locating period 1)*(8 digits locating period 2)*
*periodlocate*08301100*14001830* means system will enable the tracking function during
8:30am-11:00am and 2:00pm-6:30pm of the day. 0830 and 1400 refers to the start time of
the tracking period, 1100 and 1830 refers to the end time of the tracking period.
To end period locate function.
4.4.4 Track Off
Track off will end all the tracking functions, including routetrack, checkm, checkgsm, timing
locate and period locate.
To turn off all tracking functions, including routetrack, check, checkgsm, timing locate and
period locate.
5. Upload Alert
The upload alert function enables device upload alert status to the server including
alert, low battery alert
drop alert
etc. User can check alert status on the tracking
website or message section in app.
This function is default as ON.