• Appendix B2 contains a diagram showing the seed flow rate of a standard seed mix in
function of the seed reservoir openings (1-10).
• For most standard seed mixes, the ideal setting will be somewhere between 6 and 7.
• This is a rule of thumb for setting the seed flow rate. Since the flow of seed mixes largely
depends on the seed size, deviations from the curve presented in the diagram must always
be anticipated.
• To determine the exact weight of the seed, proceed as follows. Purchase the seed collector
unit that can be ordered separately (order number: MA 01 001 013) and attach it under the
scatter zone of the seed funnels. Make a test ride of 13 metres, then weigh the seed that
was caught in the collecting unit and multiply that figure by 10. The outcome is the flow
rate per 100m
If seed was already in the seed reservoir and the machine was transported over
a great distance to reach the work zone, the seed flow over the first ten metres
will not entirely match the set flow rate. This is due to the fact that the rotating
drum in the seed reservoir turns when the machine is moved (with the container
closed) and thus disturbs the seed composition, which in turn affects the flow of the seed
during the first metres after opening the seed reservoir.
It is therefore recommended not to base the setting of the seed flow rate on the flow
rate results of these first metres.
• After setting the flow rate, the screw head must again be locked with the locking nut.
• It is recommended to ensure that the seed reservoir is adequately filled when overseeding
on a slope in the lengthwise direction. This serves to avoid that the seed shifts to one side
of the reservoir and consequently is not scattered over the full width of the surface.