Owner’s Manual
d. After the readout is stabilized press PRN to print the label and to record the
e. Remove the load and place the next one…..
8.3.2. Label print by using the keyboard to enter a number of particular article.
Method of work:
Enter the number of articles by using the numerical keyboard
Press * .
Enter the price per unit or the PLU number
Print by pressing PRN
8.3.3. Print of group label when working with weighing or counting products.
Method of work:
to switch to “group” mode
press * to switch between the accumulated weight and the accumulated number
In the desired mode weighing/counting press PRN to print group label
The accumulations are cleared by double pressing MC
8.3.4. Pre-labeling – manual input of the weight and printing the label
Activate “Service mode” 2. PRG , DW and after that press the PRG key rapidity till
“rELAb 0” is displayed. By pressing
from the numeric keyboard change the blinking
„0” to „1” .Exit with
In “Weighing Mode” double press DW.
On the display for price per unit will be displayed blinking “PLU000” - enter the desired
PLU number followed by PLU.
On the display for price will be displayed “
0.000”, showing that you are in mode of
manual input of weight. Enter the desired weight by using the numerical keyboard,
followed by PRN.
To change the PLU number, press PLU , enter the number and press the PLU key
Exit by pressing CP.
8.4. “Service Mode” 1 and 2
In Service mode 1 are set prices and tare of the articles, battery condition, parameters for work
with the scale.
In Service Mode 2 is changed the presence of the decimal point and parameters for label print
and other parameter for activation/deactivation on different functions of the scale.
8.4.1. Switching to “Service mode 1”