Elexim Sofia ”Tzarigradsko Shoses” blvd. 7th km. BIC-IZOT office 314
Configurations of GSM Gateway Digital
1. Switch on the GSM Gateway to the power.
2. Connect it to your PC using USB cable.
3. When you connect it for the first time the operating system of your PC will ask you for
drivers. Locate them (the drivers are in your Software CD, in folder – usbdriver) and
click OK to allow Windows to install them.
4. Next you have to change the number of the COM Port. Look in
Control Panel\System\Hardware\Device Manager\Ports and remember on which
COM port the Gateway is switched on. With the right bottom of the mouse edit the file
config.bat and in it write the correct number of the COM port. Save the changes.
5. Open file config.cfg and make the adjustments you want. Save the changes and run the file
config.bat. Now your GSM Gateway is configured.
6. Turn off the power. Put the SIM Card in the holder, turn on the antenna and switch on
the power.
Description of the settings:
1 GWC+LDT='n' – command, which sets the maximum waiting time in
milliseconds between each selected digit of the phone number before the GSM Gateway dial
that phone number. Recommended time is between 1000 and 5000 milliseconds.
2 GWC+CLIR='n' – this setting allow you to hide the dialed number for the external calls if
your GSM operator support it. When "n"=0 the number is not hide and when "n"=1 it is
3 GWC+SPVOL='n' – this setting allow you to adjust the volume of the speech in your phone
handset which is connected to the GSM Gateway. "n" can be adjust between 1 to 99.
4 GWC+POL='n' - setting allowing reverse the polarity of the line in the beginning of the
conversation. If "n"=0 the polarity won't be reserve. If "n"=1 it will be reversed.
5 GWC+ICPM='n' - setting which allow incoming calls to the GSM Gateway for all numbers or only
for a list of numbers. If n=0 all calls are allowed, and if n=1 only numbers in the list below is allowed.
6 GWC+ICPNM=n,xxxxxxxxxx
command which lists up to 10 allowed numbers for incoming calls
when GWC+ICPM=1.
7 GWC+ACIM=n – setting which change the impedance of the line of GSM Gateway FollowMe. Set
the correct impedance to synchronize with your line impedance.
If n=0
If n=1
If n=2
(750ohm || 150nF) and (780ohm || 150nF)
If n=3
(820ohm || 120nF) and (820ohm || 115nF)
If n=4
(620ohm || 310nF)
If n=5
(1050ohm || 230nF)