Now that we have completed and tested the telephone line analyzer, you are ready to test wall plates that
have RJ-11 jacks with one or two lines. If wall plates with RJ-11 are not available, then you should use the
telephone line simulator Model TT-250. It will provide all of the conditions that would be found in the field and
are illustrated below.
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
1. Remove the phone wire from the
modular jack and insert the
smaller telephone plug of the
telephone line analyzer into the
telephone jack to be tested.
2. If the telephone line analyzer shows
LED 1 green, the telephone line
jack is working and it is wired with
straight polarity (see Figure 14).
The problem is in the telephone
cable going to the telephone or in
the telephone itself. The wiring in
the wall jack is correct.
3. If the telephone line analyzer
shows LED 1 red (see Figure 15),
the modular jack is working with
reversed polarity. The wires are
reversed. A dial tone should still
exist, but this may be a problem
for some touch phones. Plug the
phone back into the wall jack and
lift the receiver. If a dial tone is
present, but you do not get tones
when dialing, the wiring at the wall
jack should be corrected.
technical data for wall jack wiring.
4. If the telephone line analyzer
shows LED 1 with no light (see
Figure 16), it indicates that the
line is open or wires are shorted.
Check the wall jack to make sure
a wire is not bent too far down,
broken, or touching another wire.
If the problem is not in the jack,
then you may need to call the
telephone company.
1. Remove the phone wire from the
modular jack and insert the
smaller telephone plug of the
telephone line analyzer into the
telephone jack to be tested.
2. LEDs 1 and 2 green (see Figure
17) indicates that both lines are
working and are wired straight
The problem is in the
cable going to the phone or in the
The following is the procedure for testing a typical
two line RJ-11 jack:
The following is the procedure for testing a typical
one line RJ-11 jack:
3. LEDs 1 and 2 red (see Figure 18)
indicates both lines are working
with reversed polarity. The wires
are reversed on both lines and
may be a problem.
Plug the
phone into the wall jack and lift
the receiver.
If a dial tone is
present, but you do not get tones
when dialing, the wiring at the wall
jack should be corrected.
technical data for wall jack wiring.
4. LED 1 green and LED 2 red (see
Figure 19) indicates that line 1 is
wired with straight polarity and
line 2 is reversed polarity.
5. LED 1 no light, LED 2 green or
red. Line one is not operational.
6. LED 1 green or red, LED 2 no
light. Line two is not operational.
No Light
1 and 2
1 and 2
1 Green
2 Red