Prepare the power cord. On one end, use diagonal cutters to strip off
4” of the gray casing to expose 3 wires (BE CAREFUL NOT TO CUT
INTO THE 3 WIRES). Strip off 2” of gray casing off of the other end.
Strip 1/4” insulation off of all 6 wires.
Slide the alligator boots onto the 4” wires on the end of the power cord;
red boot on the red wire, green boot on the green or white wire, and the
black boot on the black wire. Then, solder the 3 clips to the wires. Slide
the boots onto the clips.
On the other end of the cable, solder the black wire to the hole on the
PC board marked “GND”. Solder the green or white wire to the hole
marked “C”. Solder the red wire to the hole marked “B+”.
Bend tabs over the wire.