Project #79
OBJECTIVE: Build a circuit that flashes light and plays sounds.
Turn the slide switch (S1) on and the lamp (L1) and LED (D1) start
flashing. You hear two different tones driving the LED and lamp. IC’s
can be connected to control many different devices at the same time.
Flash and Tone
Project #77
Space War Flicker LED
O B J E C T I V E :
Flash an LED
using the space
war IC.
Project #78
Music AND Gate
Build the circuit
shown on the left.
The circuit uses
the alarm (U2)
and space war
(U3) IC’s to flash
the LED (D1).
Turn the slide
switch (S1) on
and the LED
starts flashing.
To build an AND gate.
You will only hear music if
you turn on the slide
switch (S1) AND press the
press switch (S2). This is
referred to as an AND
gate in electronics.
This concept is important
in computer logic.
If condition X
AND condition Y are true,
then execute instruction Z.