Use the circuit from the Drawing Resistors project #516, but
connect the PC-interface cable across the speaker. Use a pencil to
draw the shapes shown in projects #516-518, as per the directions
given in those projects. Use Winscope to see how the waveforms
and frequency spectrums vary as you move the jumper wires
across the shapes to change the sounds. A sample is shown here.
Next, place the loose ends of the jumper wires into a cup of water, as
per project #519. The waveforms and frequency spectrum you see
will be similar to the resistors you drew, just as the sounds are similar.
Project #PC66
Drawing Resistors PC
OBJECTIVE: To draw your own resistors.
Build the circuit and try the settings shown. Flip on the slide switch
and press the press switch a few times while moving the
adjustable resistor control around. View the waveform and
frequency spectrum.
Project #PC67
Electronic Noisemaker PC
OBJECTIVE: To view the output of an oscillator circuit.
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