Element-A, EA2 User Manual
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771-00008 rev 02 Element-A, EA2 User Manual
Copyright © 2020 Elemental Machines
Elemental Machines Sensory Network
Security Overview
The Elemental Machines Sensory Network is designed to operate securely on our customers’ networks.
The system includes
, wireless devices that monitor critical equipment and/or the ambient
Elemental Gateways
, which gather data from Elements, and the
Elemental Insights
Local Communication
communicate to a local
Elemental Gateway
low energy 4.1 (a low
power 2.4GHz wireless communication, typically 5.3 dBm or lower power). Only whitelisted devices
can connect with the
Elemental Gateway
; the whitelist is populated prior to shipping and adjusted
with any subsequent additions to the network.
Communication through Customer WiFi:
The system uses established communication and security standards to protect data transmitted
Elemental Insights
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) a.k.a. TLS
, the web standard for protecting sensitive data including
usernames, passwords, credit card, and banking information.
Symmetric Cryptography
is used to encrypt the data transmitted. The keys for this symmetric
encryption are generated uniquely for each connection and are based on a shared secret
negotiated at the start of the session.
The Elemental Machines’ Sensory Network external communication is designed to work even in the
strictest environments. The communication uses an adaptive transport mechanism that is designed to
work well when confronted with proxy authorities, firewalls, and antivirus software.
Elemental Gateways
socket connections through port 80 or port 443 of a customer's firewall, opening
only outbound connections. Elemental Gateways require the following outbound TCP connections to
be open on your firewall for the system to work:
*.elementalmachines.io - 443 - for sending data to the dashboard
s3.amazonaws.com - 443 - various files
*.awmdm.com - 443 - device management
play.google.com - 443 - provisioning
android.googleapis.com - 443 - provisioning
android.clients.google.com - 80 - app management
time.windows.com – 123 – UDP
*.pubnub.com – 443 – secure IoT device messaging