With the setting 4:7 the trig condition is true the fourth time the pattern plays and then the eleventh,
the eighteenth, and so on.
The sequencer needs to be in FILL mode to activate the conditional lock called FILL.
For more information, please see “9.9.4 FILL MODE” on page 43.
Conditional parameter locks are a great way to add variety to a pattern. To set up a grid
of mutually exclusive or conclusive note trigs across any of the audio tracks, and adding
some probability locks in there as well (perhaps, in turn, also sporting an array of logi-
cally conditioned trigs), is a neat way to make the most minimal of compositions come
alive with randomness.
Note that random or arbitrary variety, while fun and interesting, is not the only way of us-
ing conditional trigs. They may also be used, for example, to have two different melodic
or percussive sequences on the same track, one of which is activated only when FILL
mode is active.
FILL mode can be used to create a temporary variation, such as a drum fill, in your pattern.
to activate FILL mode for one pattern cycle. It will become active when the pat-
tern loops, and remain active until it loops again. You can also activate FILL mode at any time, and for any
duration, by pressing and holding the
key when the pattern is playing (GRID RECORDING mode
cannot be active). The FILL mode is active for as long as the key is held.
Press and hold
, and then release
before you release
to latch FILL mode.
again to unlatch FILL mode.
9.9.5 SWING
Adjust the swing setting of the pattern, to employ a propulsive, rhythmic groove. Press
access this menu.
to set the SWING ratio to 51-80%. The default setting is equal spacing, 50%.
Patterns, tracks, track pages, and trigs can be copied, pasted and cleared.
The active pattern can be copied to another location in the same bank or in another bank. To perform
a pattern copy operation, GRID RECORDING mode must be deactivated. Copy the pattern by pressing
. Select another pattern, and then press
to paste the copied
pattern to this location. Press
to clear all the trigs in the current pattern.
Individual sequencer tracks can be copied, pasted and cleared in the same way as patterns. To do so,
GRID RECORDING mode must be active.
A single track page may also be copied, pasted and cleared. It is similar to copying/pasting/clearing a
track, but will only affect the active track page. Select the track page of choice by pressing the
key. Copy by pressing
. Select a new track page and press
paste. Press
to clear the active track page.
Trigs, complete with all parameter lock settings, can be copied, pasted and cleared as well. GRID RE-
CORDING mode needs to be active to access this functionality. Press and hold a
key and press
to perform the copy operation. Paste by holding another
key and pressing
It is also possible to copy more than one trig. Press and hold the trigs you wish to copy, and then press
. Press and hold the
key to where you want to paste, and then press
to paste
the copied sequence of trigs. When pasting, the copied trigs are placed in the same relation to each
other as they had when they were copied. The destination trig acts as the starting point for the sequence
of copied trigs. Clear trig locks by holding one or more trigs and press
You can undo a copy, paste, and clear operation by repeating the key presses.