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Safety instructions:

Always abide by the below rules when working with Easy Leak detector.

Preconditions at the workplace:

Place the system or vehicle you are about to test on a level surface.
The device must always stand horizontally during use, oil filling as well as during storage.
We recommend good ventilation or air extraction in the area around the search place.
Access to a fully charged 12-volt car battery. 

Remember these rules during use:

•  Always place this device horizontally on a table close to the workplace, use safety glasses.
•  Never use the device with the engine running.
•  Keep hose and wire in a safe distance from the engine cooling fan (may start even though the 

engine is turned off).

•  Never press smoke injector or centralizing rings hard against the search object so pressure 

is created.

•  Never use this device in canister/carbon filter systems connected to a fuel tank (this is asso-

ciated with risk of explosion).

•  Make sure that canister/carbon filter has been drained of fuel fumes before connecting the 

device (risk of explosion).

•  Start each test with the minimum amount of smoke and fill the search topic with smoke as 

slowly as possible.

•  Never use other types of oil in the device than EP smoke oil. Filling of flammable fluids may 

cause risk of explosion.      

•  The device automatically stops after approx. 4 minutes usage, the overheating indicator starts 

flashing some time before automatic stop.

•  Let the device cool down completely between each search (approx. 10 minutes).
•  Do not connect the electrical cables to the battery of the car in case of fuel smell in the engine 

compartment (great risk of explosion).

•  Never overfill the device with smoke oil.
•  Do not consume, if possible, the oil of the device below the minimum mark on the oil dipstick.
•  Never turn on the device with the oil dipstick fitted. - tlf.: +45 75 31 09 06 
