Dispensing unit
During grinding,
the coffee
grounds enter the dispensing unit.
At the bottom of this unit are six
dosing chambers, arranged as a
wheel that is rotated one chamber
at a time when the dosing lever
is operated.
Details of the dispensing unit
Dosing lever
Dosing chambers
Dispensing unit
The dosing unit sits in the bottom
of the dispensing unit and is
rotated clockwise by the wheel
connected to the dosing lever.
The photos below show
the dosing unit removed from
the dispensing unit.
When the dosing lever is operated,
the dosing wheel rotates over
an outlet that allows the contents
of a dosing chamber to be
dispensed into the coffee handle -
filter basket. This is shown below,
in which the dosing unit has been
removed from the dispenser.
The height of the dosing unit
is adjustable and determines
the quantity of coffee grounds
that are dispensed with
each operation of the dosing lever.
Side view
of dosing unit
Height adjustment
Top view of dosing unit
Pulling the dosing lever rotates the dosing
unit by one chamber
Outlet hole
Grinding discs
The grinder has two precisely
machined grinding discs that
produce a uniform grind.
The discs are arranged with the
cutting blades facing each other,
in which the distance between the
discs determines the texture of
the grounds. The closer the discs,
the finer the grounds.
The grinding discs in an Elektra domestic
coffee grinder
The discs are mounted one
above the other, a lot closer
than shown here
One disc is attached to an electric
motor that rotates the disc.
The other disc does not rotate and
is attached to an adjusting wheel
that allows the distance between
the grinding discs to be altered.
Fixed disc, which is attached to the grinder
adjusting wheel
Rotating disc which
is attached to the motor
Locking pin notches.
These are located on the
underside of the grinding
adjustment wheel.
Because the grind texture
adjustment is critical, the adjust-
ing wheel has locating notches,
with a spring-loaded locating pin
positioned so it clicks into a notch.
A scale around the adjusting
wheel gives an indication of the
position of the wheel. Rotating
the wheel changes the distance
between the grinding discs.
To rotate the wheel, hold
the locating pin down and move
the wheel one notch position
at a time. Rotating the wheel
gives a finer grind
(because the discs are moved
closer together).
The grinder must be off when
changing the position of grind
adjustment wheel.
The grind adjustment wheel is held in position
by a locating pin. Hold the pin
down to move the wheel.
Locating pin locking
the position
of the wheel
Locating pin
down so
the wheel
can be