1. Place plastic drip tray into position.
2. Place chrome / brass drip tray cover into plastic drip tray.
3. Attach lever handle securely.
Screw pump lever
clockwise into pump
and hand tighten.
4. Place filter basket into coffee handle.
5. Attach coffee handle to group head.
6. Attach eagle to boiler cover with metal bolt.
Operating instructions
1. Fill boiler with fresh, cold water until boiler level sight glass is
nearly full. (For best results use filtered or bottled water.)
2. Screw the boiler plug/safety valve on securely (turn clockwise).
3. Place boiler cover into position.
4. Ensure the steam wand tap is in the off position.
Steam tap in
the OFF
5. Connect the electrical plug to a suitable 240V power outlet.
6. Switch on power outlet, then switch
on the machine at its on/off switch. A
red lamp in the switch should glow,
indicating power to the machine is on.
The heating element indicator light will
turn on and a soft boiling sound will
be heard as the water heats. The
element indicator light will go out
when the boiler pressure reaches the
green band of the pressure gauge (1–
1.25 bars of pressure). This takes
around 12 minutes.
The machine is
now ready to make coffee.
Training manual – Micro casa a leva