Using the grinder
A commercial
dosing grinder
has several features:
Automatic control, in which two
switches inside the dosing cham-
ber sense the level of ground cof-
fee, and operate the grinder motor
as the grounds falls below a pre-
set level. This ensures a supply of
ground coffee while the grinder is
switched on. (Not all commercial
grinders have this feature).
Exact dosing of ground coffee.
This is achieved inside the dosing
chamber, in which a precise
amount of ground coffee is dis-
pensed when the dosing lever is
Always operate the
dosing lever over its full stroke
to ensure a full dose of coffee
Hold handle fitted with filter basket
on support bracket.
Operate dosing lever twice.
Tamp grounds then twist tamper to
feather grounds to side of basket.
For a two cup handle, operate
dosing level once more, then tamp
and twist.
Wipe rim of filter cup to ensure
it’s free of grounds.
Single cup handle with insufficient
Single cup handle filled, tamped
and feathered correctly.
level switches
on top inside
To fill a coffee handle:
The photos
below show examples
of filled filter cups:
tamper to
pres grounds
in filter basket
support bracket
when filling
coffee handle
power on-off switch
dosing lever
feathered to
side of basket
by twisting
4 mm
rim cleaned
and free of
On an auto machine, press the
button for making a short black.
It should take around 25–30 seconds
to make and will half fill the cup.
If the machine has not made a
coffee for 15 minutes or so, work
the group head by letting hot
water flush through the head. This
will warm the head and build up
pressure in the machine. Then fit
the handle firmly to the group
head and press button to make a
short black, or operate lever or
manual pushbutton (on a semi
auto machine) until cup is half full.
Extract coffee
Remove handle and dislodge
coffee cake into dumping box by
hitting side of handle against rub-
ber covered bar in box. Hitting the
handle against a metal surface will
cause dints in the rim of the filter
basket and reduce its ability to seal.
Rinse handle under hot water to
remove remaining grounds and
flush group head to remove coffee
oils. Put handle loosely in group
head ready for the next
cup of coffee.
Clean up
W h e n
f i n i s h e d
m a k i n g
c o f f e e ,
r i n s e
h a n d l e
a n d f l u s h
g ro u p h e a d
Then put handle loosely in group head to
keep it warm and ready for next use
To empty coffee cake, hit side of handle on
rubber coated bar to dislodge cake into dra er.
Take care not to damage rim of filter basket.