Mount the 47k/1 W resistor R28 (yellow – violet
– orange – gold) and trimmer potentiometer P1
(470K). The resistor is a bit of a tight fit. Mount
it so, it hovers a few millimeters above the PCB
as it will get hot when the clock is powered up.
Mount the ceramic capacitors C3, 470 pF and
C1, C4 ... C7, C15 ... C17, 100 nF. You may need
to bend the wires of C3 a bit to get it to fit on
the PCB.
Mount pin headers for S1, Bz1 (2 pole), MOD1
(5 pole), K1 (6 pole) and K15 (7 pole).
Mount the socket headers K3, K5, K7, K9, K11
and K13 (2x5 pole).