How to Build a Germanium Fuzz Guitar Effect.
This document will guide you to build and test your Germanium Fuzz guitar pedal.
With all the materials on hand, it takes around 2-4 hours to build it. Try not to rush
and take your time. Play your favourite background music and enjoy the fine art of
building your own guitar effects.
We have a YouTube video in the ElectroSmash channel that will help you during the
We strongly recommend reviewing the entire instructions before starting. It takes 2
minutes and may save you hours of frustration.
This guide aims to build and test the circuit at the same time in a logical order.
Following all the steps will ensure a successful assembly.
STEP 0 – Prepare the Materials.
You would need:
Soldering iron with a small tip.
Solder wire.
Cutting pliers.
Germanium Fuzz Kit.
Keep in short hand the PCB plan and the Bill of Materials.
1590B Fuzz Drilling Stencil PDF.