Setting the alarm time
6. Setting the alarm time
6.1 Each BLE Alarm Clock can set up maximum 5 Alams.
On the main screen. Tap individual alarm e.g. Alarm1 to
enter the alarm setting page
6.2 The alarm setting screen appears. You can edit and
adjust different items on this screen, which include:
i) Alarm Name: Tap alarm 1- 5 to edit your preferred
name to this alarm.
ii) Time: Tap to adjust the time for this alarm.
iii) Day of Week: Tap to select which day of week to enable
the alarm.
- If none is selected, it will be as a once alarm.
- If all days are selected, it will be as a daily alarm.
iv) Sound pattern: Tap to select which tone pattern (5
patterns plus one random pattern available) is applied
to this alarm.
Alarm 1