TZ3300 868
User Manual
2 September 2009 Rev. B
©2007-9, Electronic Solutions, Inc.
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1355 Horizon Avenue, Lafayette, CO 80026-9304 USA
voice: +1.303.469.9322 fax: +1.303.469.5129 www.elec-solutions.com
Solutions, Inc.
The TZ 3300 868 Z-Wave Remote Controller is a battery operated remote control capable of
controlling any Z-Wave compliant device. It organizes device control into five Groups and three
Scenes, and is capable of controlling devices on the same network as another TZ 3300 868 remote,
or with any Z-Wave compliant Controller device.
The interface is simple, and is designed with the control of motorized devices in mind. The buttons
used to control devices are Open, Close, and Stop, as well as buttons to activate up to three
scenes. Open, Close, and Stop commands are sent to devices in one of five groups. Only devices
that are a part of a group are controlled. Scene buttons will control all devices that are part of
that scene. The user interface is summarized above.
Selecting and Controlling a Group of Networked Devices
Press SELECT to select the next lower group number. Press SELECT to select the next
higher group number. The Group LED corresponding to the current Group number will
light solid RED.
Press Open, Close, or Stop to control any device(s) included in the selected group. If no
command is issued within five seconds the remote will power down to conserve batteries.
Including Devices into the Network
Press and release the Include/Exclude button by inserting a paper clip. The Mode LED will
light solid GREEN indicating the remote is in Network Include mode.
Press the Include (Learn) button on a device you wish to include into the network within 10
The Mode LED should blink GREEN briefly indicating the device was Learned (Included) into
the network.
While Mode LED is still lit GREEN, repeat steps 2 and 3 for every node to be Included into
the network.
selection of the next
lower group number
selection of the next
higher group number
Group number LEDs
Close button
Open button
Stop button
Mode LED
Transmit LED
Scene Buttons