Electrolux Zanussi ZWF 12280 W User Manual Download Page 22

Summary of Contents for Zanussi ZWF 12280 W

Page 1: ...User manual ZWF12280 W ZWF14280 W ZWF14280 S Washing Machine o ZIINUSSI 8l Electrolux Iii 0 C I ...

Page 2: ...Important information concerning yourpersonal safetyandinfo rmation onhowto avo id damaging theappliance Gene ralinfo rmation andtips Environmental info rmat ion Content Safetyinfo rmation 3 Desc riptionof theappliance 5 Detergent dispense r drawer 5 Contro l pane l andfunctions 6 Programme table 7 Programme info rmation 9 Washing Hints 10 Before thefirstuse 12 Operating Sequence 13 2 Ca re andcle...

Page 3: ...n thetubandtheinner drum Donotuseyourwashing machine towash articles withwha lebones mater ial without hemsor tornmater ial ZIINUSSI 8l Electr olux Alwaysunplug theapp lianceandturnoffthe watersupp ly after use Undernocircumstances shou ld youattempt torepa irthemachine you rsel f Repai rs carriedoutbyinexpe riencedpersons may causeinjuryorseriousmal functioning Contact yourloca l Serv iceCentre A...

Page 4: ...theplugfromthesocket alwaystakeholdof theplugitself Neve r usethewash ingmach ineif thepowe r supplycab le thecontro l panel theworking surfaceor thebasearedamaged sothatthe insideofthewashing machine isaccess ible Childsafety Thiswashing mach ineis notintended for usebyyoungchildrenorinfirmpersons withoutsupervis ion Young children shou ld besuperv isedto ensure thattheydonotplaywiththe appliance...

Page 5: ...ion oftheappliance D Detergent dispenser drawer fJ Control panel II Dooropen inghand le II Drainpump B Adjustable feet Detergent dispenser drawer LlJPrewash Wwash Fabr ic Softener ZINUSSI 8l Electrolux II El 5 ...

Page 6: ...our laundryto be spun at a speed differentfrom the one proposedby the washing machine or to selectthe Nightcycle and Rinse Hold The relevant light will light up Bymeans oftheOptions button youcanselectonlyoneofthe following options Prewash Intensive SuperQuick seethe relevant chapter Operating sequence Therelevant lightwilllightup Bymeans ofthisbutton themachine performs someadditional rinses Thed...

Page 7: ...n Delicate fabrics for exa mplecurt ains Options Spinred I tj Prew ash Intensive SuperQuick Extra rinse Spin red I tj Pre wash Extrarinse Spinred I tj Prewas h Intensive S Quick Extra rinse Spin red I tj Pre wash Extrarinse Spinred B tj Prewas h Intensive SuperQuick Extra rinse Spin red I tj Pre wash Super Quick Int ensive Extrarinse I tj Prewas h Intensive SuperQuick Extra Rinse ZIINUSSI 8l Elect...

Page 8: ...items of cotton fabric Fo r emptyingoutthelast rinsewaterin prog rammes withthe RinseHoldorNight Cycle option Separate spinfor cottons Handwash Mini 30 2 kg MaxloadforSilk 1kg 8 Options Sp inred I t J Sp inred I t J ID I t 1 SpinRed 1 t J Prewash Extra Rinse I t 1 Extra Rinse Spinred I t J Extrarinse Spin red Ma inwashat40 3 rinses Shortspin Ma inwashat 30 Cold 3 rinses Shortspin Ma inWash at30 C ...

Page 9: ...n Turnfirsttheprogramme selector dialto Off thenselect programme Drainanddepress theStart Pause button Separatespinforhandwashed garm tsandafterprog rammes with RinseHo ld t l or NightCycle option Before selecting thisprogramme theselectordialmustbeturned to Off Youcan choose thespeedbymeans of therelevant button toada pt it tothe fabr icstobespun Withthisprogramme it is poss ibletowashonepairofsp...

Page 10: ...brics and woollens drum no more than one third full Washing a maximum load makes the most efficient use of water and energy For heavily soiled laundry reduce the load size Laundry weights The following weights are indicative Removing stains Stubborn stains may not be removed by just water and detergent It is therefore advisable to treat them prior to washing Blood treat fresh stains with cold wate...

Page 11: ...nts andadditives Goodwashing resultsalsodepend onthe choice of detergent anduseofthecorrect quantities toavoidwasteandprotect the environment Although biodeg radab le detergents contain substances which in large quantities canupsetthedelicate balance of nature Thecho iceof detergent willdepend onthe typeof fabr ic delicates woollens cottons ZIINUSSI 8l Electrolux etc thecolour washing temperature ...

Page 12: ...WARNING Ensu rethattheelectrical andwate r connections comply withtheinstallation instructions IMPORTANT Remove thepolysty reneblockandany mater ial fromthedrum IMPORTANT Pou r 2 litresofwaterintothemainwash compartment W ofthedetergent drawer in orde r toactivatetheECOvalve Thenruna cottoncycleat95 C withoutanylaundry inthe machine toremove anymanufacturing residue fromthedrumandtub Pou r 1 2 a m...

Page 13: ... Position Off to Resetprogramme Switching OFFofthemach ine Attheendoftheprogramme theselector dialmustbeturned toposition Off to switch themachine off IMPORTANT Ifyouturntheprogramme selector dialto another programme whenthemachine is working theredStart Pause pilotlightwill flash3 timesandthemessage Erris displayed onthedisp laytoindicate awrongselection Themach inewillnotperform thenewselected p...

Page 14: ...electthisoptionif youwishyour laundry tobeprewashed at30 Cbefore the mainwash notavailable forWool Handwash Mini30 andSilk Theprewash endswitha 14 shortspininprogrammes forcotton synthetic fabrics andSport 40 whereas inthe programmes fordelicate fabricsandandSport Shoes 40 thewaterisonlydrained Intensive thisoptioncanbeselected forheavily soiled laundry thewashing intensity willbeinc reased andthe...

Page 15: ...reases byoneunit everyhourandthen when1hourremains thetimedecreases every minute Incorrect option selection Ifanoption whichisnot compatible withtheset washprogramme is selected themessage ZINUSSI 8l Electrolux Errisdisplayed forabout2 seconds andthe integrated redStart Pause lightstartstoflash Alarmcodes Intheeventof operating problems somealarmcodescan bedisplayed for example E20 see paragraph S...

Page 16: ...lectthe Theselected delaytimevalue upto20hours willappear onthedisplayforabout3 seconds thenthedurat ionoftheprogramme willappear again Youmustselectthisoptionafteryouhaveset theprogramme andbefore youpressthe Start Pause button Selecting thedelayed start Select theprogramme andtherequired options Select thedelaystart Depress Start Pause button themachine startsitshourlycountdown Theprogramme will...

Page 17: ...fandthentothenew prog rammepos ition Thewashing wate r inthe tubwill notemptyout Startthenew prog ramme bydepressing theStart Pause button aga in ZIINUSSI 8l Electrolux Interrupting a programme Dep resstheStart Pause button to inte rrupta programme whichis runn ing the correspond inglightstartstoflash Depress the button againtorestart theprogramme Cancelling a programme Turntheselector dial toOfft...

Page 18: ... illuminate but the door remains locked to indicate that the water must be emptied out before opening the door The display will show a flashing 0 00 To empty out the water please read the steps on the Rinse Hold option paragraph Turn the programme selector dial to Off to switch the machine off Remove the laundry from the drum and carefully check that the drum is empty If you do not intend to carry...

Page 19: ...owder andadd itivedispenser drawer shou ld becleaned regularly Toaid clean ing thetop partoftheadditive compartment shou ld beremoved ZIINUSSI 8l Electrolux Remove thedrawer bypress ingthecatch downwards andbypullingit out Flushit out undera tap toremove anytracesof accumulated powde r Cleaning thedrawer recess J IHaving removed the drawe r usea small brushtocleanthe recess ensur ingthatall r Jl w...

Page 20: ...lethose Placetheendof theemergency empty ing hoseandthatoftheinlethoseina bow l placedonthefloo r andletwaterdra inout Screw thewate r inlethosebackonand reposition theemergency empty inghose afterhaving putthecaponagain Whenyouintendtostartthemach ineup again makesurethattheroomtempe rature is above0 C IMPORTANT Everytimeyoudrain thewaterthrough the emergency empty inghoseyoumustpou r 2 litresofw...

Page 21: ...s contact yourlocalServ iceCentre Malfunction Thewashing machine doesnotstart Themachine doesnotfill Possible Cause Solution Thedoorhasnotbeenclosed E 10 Closethedoorfirmly Theplugis notproperly inserted intothepower socket Inserttheplugintothepower socket Thereisnopower atthesocket Please checkyou r domestic electrical installation Themainfusehasblown Replace thefuse Theselector dialis notcorrect...

Page 22: ...sbeenused Reduce thedete rgentquantity or useanothe r one Check whethe r thereareanyleaksfromoneof the inlethosefittings Itis notalwayseasytoseethisas thewate r runsdownthehose checktoseeif it is damp Checkthewaterinlethoseconnection Theinlethoseis damaged Change itwitha newone Thecapontheemergency emptyinghosehasnot beenreplaced afte r clean ingthepump Putthecapbackontheemergency em ptying hosean...

Page 23: ... Increase thelaundry load Theelectron ic unba lancedetection dev icehascutin because thelaundry is not evenlydist ributedinthe drum Thelaundry isredistributed byreverse rotation of thedrum Thismayhappenseveral timesbefore theunbalance disappea rs andnormalspinning can resume If after10minutes thelaundry is still not evenly distributedinthedrum themachine will not spin Inthis case redistribute thel...

Page 24: ...Pa 0 8 MPa Maximum Cotton Synthetics Delicates Woollens and handwash Maximum Load 7 kg 3 5 kg 3 5 kg 2 kg Maximum Spin Speed 1200 rpm ZWF 12280 W 1400 rpm ZWF 14280 W S Electrical connection Voltage Overall power Fuse Information on the electrical connection is given on the rating plate on the inner edge of the appliance door ...

Page 25: ... umpt iondatashown onthis chart is to becons ideredpurely indicativ e asit mayvary depend ing onthequantityandtypeof laundry ontheinletwater temperat ureandonthe am bienttempe rature Itrefe rs tothehighest temperat ureforeac hwashprogramm e Energy consumption inkWh 2 1 1 19 1 4 1 3 0 9 0 45 0 6 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 25 0 5 0 7 0 1 ZIINUSSI 8l Electr olux Water consumption inlitres 65 59 60 59 57 65 63 55 ...

Page 26: ...ttheinlethose fromthedrumandremove thepolystyrene blockfittedwiththeadhesive tapeonthe doorseal 7 Fillthesmaller upperhole andthetwolarge oneswiththecorresponding plastic plug capssuppl iedinthebagcontaining the instruct ionbooklet Positioning Install themachine onaflathardfloor Make surethataircircu lationaround themachine is notimpeded bycarpets rugsetc Check that themachine doesnottouchthewallo...

Page 27: ...equirements ZINUSSI 8l Electrolux Theapp liancemustbeconnec tedto a cold watersupply Aminimum waterpressure of0 05MPa 0 5 bar is required forsafeoperation ofthe appliance Ifyoucannotmakethecoldwaterconnect ion directfromtherisingmains youmaybeable tooperate theappliance fromyourcold water storage system Thereshou ld bea minimum vert icaldistance of5 02m 16 5ft between theappliance s inletandthebot...

Page 28: ...Anynecessary adjustment canbe madewitha spanner Accurate levelling prevents vibrat ion noiseand displacement ofthe machine dur ingoperation Somevibrat ionisinevitable especially if mounted onawooden floor Sprung wooden floorsarepart icularly susceptible tovibrat ion Foradvice consult a builder If poss ible always placethemachine ona solidfloor Special conditions Iftheflooriscarpeted orcovered with...

Page 29: ...ow Earth Blue Neutral Brown Live GREEN YE LLow Thewirecoloured green andyellowmustbe connected tothe terminal marked with 17 1 L w theletter E O bythe BROWN earthsymbol or BLUE coloured greenand coRocLAMP yellow Thewirecoloured bluemustbeconnected to theterminal marked N orcoloured black Thewirecoloured brownmustbeconnected to theterminal marked L orcoloured red Uponcompletion theremustbenocut ors...

Page 30: ...ia l negative consequences for the environment andhuman hea lth whichcould otherw isebecaused byinapprop riatewaste hand lingofthis product For mo re deta iled information aboutrecycl ingofthis product please contact yourlocalcounci l your househo ldwastedisposal service or theshop whereyoupurchased theproduct 30 Ecological hints Tosavewater energy andto helpprotect the env ironment werecommend th...

Page 31: ... environment plusthosewhich aresubjectto rentalagreements Products of Electrolux manufactu rerthatare notmarketed by Electro lux ZIINUSSI 8l Electrolux Service andSpareParts Intheeventofyou r appliancerequ iring service or if youwishtopurchase spa re parts pleasecontact you r loca l ServiceForceCentre bytelephoning 08705 929929 Yourtelephonecallwill beautomatica lly routed totheServ ice ForceCentr...

Page 32: ...irst purchased the appliance which will be evidenced by production of a valid purchase document issued by seller of the appliance The appliance guarantee is for the same period and to the same extent for labour and parts as exists in your country of residence for this particular model or range of appliances The appliance guarantee is personal to the original purchaser of the appliance and cannot b...

Page 33: ...es teenweg 71 9 1502 L embeek B u de jov icka 3 P raha 4 1 4021 S llandsgade 2 7000 Fredericia Muggenhofer Sir 1 35 90429 Nilmberg Mustamae tee24 10621 Tallinn Carre tera M 300 Km 29 900 Alca ladeH en aresMadrid Addi n gton Way Luton Bedfordsh ireLU4 9QQ 4 L imnou Sir 54627 Thessa lon iki Slavonska ave nija3 10000 Zagreb L ongmile Road Dub lin12 C so Lino Zanuss i 26 33080 Porcia PN Kr Barona ie l...

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Page 36: ...www electrolux corn www zanussi electrolux co uk n l71R40 Subjec t tochange withou t notice ZINUSSI 8l Electro lux CE ...
