Rozmístûní poliãek vestavûn˘ch do dvefií
Aby bylo moÏné skladovat balené potraviny rÛzn˘ch
rozmûrÛ, mÛÏete poliãky vestavûné do dvefií
rozmístit do rÛzn˘ch v˘‰kov˘ch poloh.
Pfii tûchto úpravách postupujte takto: postupnû
vysunujte poliãku ve smûru oznaãeném ‰ipkou,
dokud se celkem neuvolní a pak ji umístûte do
poÏadované pozice.
Nastavitelnû poliãky
Na bocích chladniãky se nachází nûkolik pfiíchytek,
na nûz se umistují ro‰ty do rÛzn˘ch poloh.
Pro lep‰í vyuÏití místa mohou pfiední polo-rosty leÏet
nad zadními.
ntrola vlhkosti
Sklenûná police je vybavena systémem s prÛduchy
(nastaviteln˘mi prostfiednictvím ovládací páãky),
které umoÏÀují regulaci teploty v zásuvce
(zásuvkách) na zeleninu.
Po uzavfiení prÛduchÛ bude teplota i vlhkost vy‰‰í.
Po otevfiení prÛduchÛ bude teplota i vlhkost niωí.
Electrical connection
Before plugging in, ensure that the voltage and
frequency shown on the serial number plate
correspond to your domestic power supply. Voltage
can vary by ±6% of the rated voltage.
For operation with different voltages, a suitably sized
auto-transformer must be used.
The appliance must be earthed.
The power supply cable plug is provided with a
contact for this purpose.
If the domestic power supply socket is not earthed,
connect the appliance to a separate earth in
compliance with current regulations, consulting a
specialist technician.
The appliance should be installed well away from
sources of heat such as radiators, boilers, direct
sunlight etc.
For building into kitchen units follow the special “
Building-in” instructions given.
It must be possible to disconnect the appliance from
the mains power supply; the plug must therefore be
easily accessible after installation.
Shelf holders
Your appliance is equipped with shelf retainers that
make it possible to secure the shelves during
To remove them proceed as follows:
Raise the shelf from the back, push it in the direction
of the arrow until it is freed and remove the retainers.
The Manufacturer declines all responsibility if
the above safety precautions are not observed.
This appliance complies with the following
E.E.C. Directives:
- 87/308 EEC
of 2/6/87 relative to radio interference
- 73/23 EEC
of 19.2.73 (Low Voltage Directive) and
subsequent modifications;
- 89/336 EEC
of 3.5.89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive) and subsequent modifications.