Warm temperature close to doors
It is normal in this area close to door and
side panels, this warm temperature
avoids humidity formation.
Warm temperature back of appliance
It is normal in this area, because is
where the gas refrigerant circulates at
high temperature. Avoid any contact in
this part.
Normal operation
01. It takes some minutes until freezer
reach correct working temperature
when turn on.
02. Compressor temperature is warm:
it is normal to be warm when the
appliance is working normal. Do not
touch the compressor.
External condensation
According to international standard
ISO8187, household refrigerators,
freezers and combination do not have to
present external condensation.
However when installed in places with
humidity higher than 80% and ambient
temperature above 32C (89F) is normal
that the freezer presents external
Door sealing
When the door is closed, there is internal
vacuous. This vacuous will difficult the
door opening. It is recommended to wait
some minutes to re open.
Normal working noise
When starting and stopping the freezer,
some noise can happen which are
normal due to thermostat working
(temperature control).
During operation, freezer can make a
noise, specially with door open. This
noise is due to the refrigerant inside the
evaporator and it is no problem of the
Due to door sealing, also might happen
some noise when closing it, this is due to
suddenly cooling of inside air.
The compressor also might do a noise
s i m i l a r t o p u l s a t i o n , t h i s i s a
characteristic of modern compressor
that work in more speeds than old ones.
Contraction and dilation of internal
parts, might also create some noise due
to temperature changes.
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