de pièces de rechange non originales, d’er-
reurs de maniement ou d’installation dues à
l’inobser-vation du mode d’emploi, et pour
des dommages causés par des influences
extérieures ou de force majeure.
Per ogni prodotto concediamo
una garanzia di 2 anni a partire dalla data di
consegna o dalla sua messa in funzione. (fa
stato la data della fattura, del certificato di
garanzia o dello scontrino d’acquisto) Nella
garanzia sono comprese le spese di mano-
dopera, di viaggio e del materiale. Dalla co-
pertura sono esclusi il logoramento ed i danni
causati da agenti esterni, intervento di terzi,
utilizzo di ricambi non originali o dalla inos-
servanza delle prescrizioni d’istallazione ed
istruzioni per l’uso.
For each product we provide a
two-year guarantee from the date of pur-
chase or delivery to the consumer (with a
guarantee certificate, invoice or sales receipt
serving as proof). The guarantee covers the
costs of materials, labour and travel. The
guarantee will lapse if the operating instruc-
tions and conditions of use are not adhered
to, if the product is incorrectly installed, or in
the event of damage caused by external in-
fluences, force majeure, intervention by third
parties or the use of non-genuine compo-
If there is a fault, first try to find a solution to
the problem yourself. Refer to “What to do
If you cannot find a solution to the problem
yourself, contact your dealer or the Service
Force Centre.
These data are necessary to help you quickly
and correctly.
For these data, refer to the rating plate. Write
them here:
• Model description ....................................
• Product number (“PNC”) ........................
• Serial number (“S No.”) ...........................
• Type of fault
• Error messages