Design concept and audio philosophy:
Thank you for purchasing this fine audio equipment. First of
all we will give you a small introduction to the ideas behind the
Technically, a cd (or a DVD) is a simple construction, built up
with a lot of digital information, represented by only two states
- zero or one. The main work for the first section of the EMP-1
is to read this information. The EMP-1 have a buffer that reads
from the CD with a higher speed than necessary. If there is
some inconsistent information the system has time to read it
again, and correct the missing data. With this technique errors
introduced by the CD mechanics are removed. As long as the
first stage of the process has a perfect copy of the information
on the CD there is a basis for the next stage.
The next stage is to sample rate the information. This process
removes most of the jitter and also makes sure that all parts of
the DAC get the correct information., at correct time.
The last step is to convert the digital signal into an analog
signal. This is done in two stages. First the PCM signal is up
sampled to 192kHz. This signal is then up sampled again to an
312kHz if selected in the setup. After this the High Qualities
DAC converted the digital information to an analog signal.
After this process the signal passes trough the fully balanced,
symmetrical, state-of-the-art internal analog output stage -
ready to be connected to your system.