Electro-Voice System Controller NetMax N8000 Brochure Download Page 3

March  2006

Live Sound International 69

age, fault conditions and other param-

eters can be monitored in real-time.

A useful feature of IRIS-Net is the

One Button System Check, that allows

an operator to see a detailed overview

of the operational status of the entire

PA system in less than a minute. IRIS is

able to run an impedance sweep of all

components connected to an amplifier

including connectors, cable, crossover

networks and transducers, and then

store a reference measurement of the

system as it exists, in a given configu-

ration, and in a given environment.

This reference is subsequently stored

in the system and can be exported to

external files on a control PC for future

reference. User definable tolerances

can be applied to these references

allowing an operator to customize the

system supervision for their specific

application. It then compares a real-

time measurement against these refer-

ences and is able to alert the operator

at any time a tolerance is exceeded.

The core of IRIS is based on a

drag-and-drop graphic user interface

that is completely customizable by the

programmer. A library of control and

monitoring graphical user interface

(GUI) elements is provided, and

includes items such as faders, LEDs,

meters, buttons and display elements.

The function and behavior of these

elements is completely customizable

for control surface design.

Today, one of the most frustrating

things for an operator, is to have

access to the tools and features of a

piece of technology, only to find that

they are too complicated to be of any

practical use. As such, IRIS allows the

use of custom graphics and text boxes

in addition to the on-board control

elements. The combination of these

GUI tools allows a programmer to

develop a control surface that is effec-

tive, easy to operate and use for any

customer, regardless of the user’s tech-

nical knowledge.

Additional customization and sys-

tem security is available through the

use of GUI layers within an IRIS proj-

ect. Up to 32 layers can be created

within a project to allow a variety of

different options in which the system

can be monitored and controlled.

Multiple users can be created within

IRIS, each with a unique password

and access to specific layers of the

GUI. This allows a programmer to cre-

ate a control surface that is specific to

the needs of any, and all, operators of

the system. For example, the system

administrator will have access to all

aspects of the DSP and system config-

uration, while other layers can be cre-

ated and password protected for less

technical users, thus allowing them to

access elements such as preset recall,

muting and levels, but prevent them

from changing critical details such as

crossovers and limiters.

From its inception, IRIS was creat-

ed as an open architecture platform

that would be modular and expand-

able to accommodate current and

f u t u r e

p r o d u c t s

a n d

s y s t e m s .

Additional products are added to the

IRIS shell through the creation of .DLL

files, which are then integrated with

the IRIS core. Over time, the products

IRIS will be able to control will

expand throughout the Telex Pro

Audio family to include Electro-Voice,

Dynacord, Klark Teknik and Midas.

In addition, the IRIS-Net shell is

designed to be used by a variety of

third party hardware to control and

monitor any type of product or sub-

system needed in a typical audio sys-

tem design. Software developer kits

will also be soon available to allow

An extensive arena system design incorporation NetMax.

