Fibre Juice
When juicing your traditional juicer will extract the juice from the fruits
or vegetables leaving a lot of pulp behind. While juicing will give you a
quick release of energy and the ingredients are passed much quicker
into your blood stream being more soluble, all the good fibre is wasted.
The whole fibre juice produced by the NutriMagiQ is the best of the
both. The whole fruit juice is palatable and has more dietary fibre and
vitamins. 1-3 minutes of blending should suffice.
1 peeled orange, a handful of raspberries, 1 apple, ¼ celery
stick, ¼ unwaxed lime with rind, small piece of peeled ginger, 3 ice
cubes, ½ glass of water
Add the ingredients in the above order. Almost cover the ingredients
with water. Work the blender for 1-3 minutes or until smooth enough
for your taste and dispense in glasses or bottles while still motor works
NutrimagiQ is ideal for smoothies and shakes. The appliance needs to
blend for 1-2 minutes to make delicious smoothie drinks. Depending
on the ice cubes size and the hardness of fruit you may use the tamper
to stir.
1 peeled banana, 1 large peach vanilla from ½ pod, 3 ice cubes,
water or milk to cover the ingredients.
Work the blender for 1-2 minutes or until smooth enough for your taste
and dispense in glasses or bottles while still motor works
Your NutriMagiQ can make hot vegetables soups from cold or hot
ingredients. Working for 10-15 minutes is enough to process and heat
cold liquid to steaming hot soups. The blender will transfer the friction
heat into the liquid heating without any heating elements. 5-7 minutes
will produce hot soup at 50-60⁰C which is ideal for raw diets
You can also use boiling water to get soups cooked in less than 5
Season and roast 4 large tomatoes, 1 medium pepper, 1 clove
of garlic for about 4 minutes in top grill tray. Place in the roasted
ingredients in the blender jug. Add a cube of stock or ½ teaspoon of
salt, one chopped celery stick, spring onion and parsley and 2 glasses
of water. Blend for 10-15 minutes until piping hot. If you want chunky
soups add extra ingredients at the end via tamper and only blend for
20-30 seconds. Release some of the liquid before adding more
Nut milk
You can make nut milks from almonds, hazelnuts, soya beans with your
NutriMagiq. Soak the nuts in water for minimum 10 hours before
making nut milk. Strain the nuts and place in the blend; cover with 2
glasses of water (1/2 litre) to 200 grams of dry nuts. Add 2 table spoons
of maple syrup (may use agave syrup, raw honey) and a pinch of salt.
Blend for 4-5 minutes. Optional you can use a strainer or a milk bag to
filter further the liquid.