Automation allows an automatic action to be set up for the device. This can be triggered by the Time,
indoor temperature, humidity of the room, weather conditions, and a range of other influences.
1. Press on the Smart Scene
tab at the bottom of the
Home screen
2. Press on the Plus in the top
right corner to add a smart
3. Select Automation to
create a new Automation
4. Setup is very similar to the scene
setup on the previous page, and
includes an extra section for
specifying a trigger for the scene to
Press the Pen next to “Please Enter
Scene Name” to input the name for
your Scene
Press the Red Plus next to “When
any condition is satisfied” to add the
Press the Red Plus next to “Execute
actions” to add the action
required. Then select the
dehumidifier from the list of devices.
6. Chose the function, set
the value for the function,
and then press the back
button in the top right
corner, to return to the
previous screen.
5. Select the condition when
the automation should start.
A number of triggers can be
Once all the functions required
have been added, press the
Save button in the top right
corner to finalise and save your
new scene.
The automation is now set up, it
can be turned on and off using
the toggle on the image shown
on step 2.