The Flangelicious flanger project comes in two flavours,
depending on which FLANGE chip you fit - either the 4 KNOB
FLANGE or the MULTIFLANGE. Additional tonal variation is
possible by building the pedal with either a 256-stage or a 1024-
stage BBD. All four options use the same PCB and components.
The 4 KNOB FLANGE is a fairly standard four knob flanger, as
the name suggests. It offers Manual (Flanger frequency), Depth,
Rate, and Resonance (Feedback) controls. You can get a wide
range of classic flanging sounds from this pedal, from deep slow
whooshes to rippling wobbles. With the Depth at zero, you can
use the Manual control to set ‘static flanger’ sounds.
The MULTIFLANGE is a more experimental design. It offers
Rate, Depth, Waveform, and Resonance controls. In place of the
the sinewave LFO of the 4 Knob Flanger, this offers 7 different
waveforms and a ‘static’ position, where the flanger folllows the
Rate knob. It can also switch between top-down or bottom-up
Build Instructions
You’re advised to have a read through of these instructions before starting work on the PCB. To
keep these instructions reasonably brief, it is assumed that you know how to orientate common
Populate the PCB
The board should be populated in order from smallest components to tallest. The BOM on page 8
is arranged in this order, so start at the top and work your way down. You can tick off each line in
the “Done?” column on the far right.
If you hold the PCB with the “flangelicious” and “electric druid” logos the right way up, you’ll see
that the components are arranged in three rows. The top row is passive components. The centre
row is for the ICs, with a few other components. The bottom row is more passive components.
Underneath the bottom row are the connections for off-board components.
1N4148 Diodes
Start with the two 1N4148 diodes. These need to be the right way around and point in opposite
directions, so be careful. They’re on the left in the centre row.
Next come the resistors.
• 1K resistor x 1 - bottom row, far left
• 1M resistor x 1 - top row, far left
Flangelicious Construction Guide
Page 2