Shift levers
A shift lever controls a derailleur or internal hub
shift mechanism.
Each month, check that the shift levers are
firmly attached to the handlebar. Check the
operation of a shift lever by inspecting the
derailleur or internal shift mechanism.
The position of a shift lever can be adjusted on the
handlebar. There are many types of shift levers; if
a shift lever on your bicycle is not covered here,
consult your retailer. Each month check that the
shifters are secure on the handlebar.
To adjust the position of a lever
1. Find the lever-clamp bolt (Figure 3.14).
2. Loosen the clamp bolt two to three turns.
3. Move the lever.
4. Tighten the clamp bolt to 53-71 lb•in (6-8
Nm) for a trigger-type shifter, 17-26 lb•in (2-3
Nm) for a twist shifter.
Brake levers
A brake lever allows you to control a brake. The
position of the lever on the handlebar should
allow you to use the brake with a minimum
amount of effort or movement.
There are several types of brake levers:
• Mountain brake lever: for flat or mountain-
type handlebar (Figure 3.15)
• Renier brake lever: (Figure 3.16). This lever is
engaged with the grip so that the lever points
straight down.
To adjust the position of a lever
1. Find the lever-clamp bolt (Figure 3.15 or
Figure 3.16).
2. Loosen the clamp bolt two to three turns.
For the renier brake lever, after loosening the
clamp bolt, leave the hex wrench in the bolt and
Chapter 3: Inspection and adjustment
lightly tap it with a mallet to loosen the wedge.
3. Move the lever.
4. Tighten the lever-clamp bolt to 53-71 lb•in
(6-8 Nm). For a renier brake lever, the
expansion bolt is threaded backwards; turn
counter-clockwise to tighten.
To adjust the reach to the brake lever
With some brake levers, you can adjust the
reach, the distance from the handlebar to the
1. Find the reach-adjustment screw (Figure 3.15)
and turn. To decrease the reach, turn the
screw clockwise. To increase the reach, turn
the screw counterclockwise.
2. If it is necessary after you adjust the reach,
adjust the brake-pad clearance.
To change which lever controls the front brake
1. Open the brakes.
2. Disconnect the brake cables:
• For a drop-type handlebar, remove the
handlebar tape. Then disconnect each brake
cable and fully remove it from the lever.
• For a mountain bicycle, remove the leaded
end of the cable from the lever.
3. Install the cables into the opposite levers.
4. Close the brakes.
• For a drop-type handlebar, replace the
handlebar tape.
5. Check the brakes as shown in Chapter 1, and
adjust the brakes as necessary.
Mountain brake lever
1. Lever-clamp bolt (on back
side of handlebar)
2. Reach-adjustment screw
Renier brake lever
1. Lever-clamp expansion
Lever-clamp bolt, mountain
1. Lever-clamp bolt
2. Barrel-adjuster