KXAT2 Installation Instructions
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Check to see if your KX2 has the Harmonic Suppression modification. The modification has been made if
your KX2 has the copper strap and thermal insulators under the transistors mounted on the end plate as shown in
Figure 2. If the transistors in your KX2 have the thermal insulators and copper strap, skip this step. Otherwise,
turn to the K3
Harmonic Reduction Instructions
included with this kit and install the modification starting with
Figure 2 and the associated step on page 2. Stop after installing the copper tape as shown in Figure 5 on page 4
and resume installing the KXAT2.
Figure 2. Checking for the Harmonic Suppression Modification.
If you just installed the Harmonic Reduction modification, the end plate is already off. Skip to the next step.
Otherwise, remove the end plate with the antenna connector as shown in Figure 3. The screw marked “Do Not
Remove” connects to nothing inside the KX2. It ensures proper spacing between two circuit boards.
Take care to avoid losing the nuts, lock washers and shoulder washers holding the
transistors inside your KX2 (see Figure 6 on page 5).
Figure 3. Removing the KX2 End Plate.