Disclaimer: This brochure is for information only. The manufacturer reserves the right to modify specifications.
Regulatory standards
- Directive on machine
safety (D2006/42EC)
- UNE-EN 1050
- UNE-EN ISO 12100-1
- UNE-EN ISO 12100-2
- UNE-EN 61000-6-4
- UNE-EN 61000-6-2
- D89/391/EEC
- D89/654/EEC
- D89/655/EEC
- D89/656/EEC
- D92/58/EEC 9ª
- UNE-EN 1677
- EN 10204 3.1.B
- Assurance of production quality
in accordance with ISO 9001
- Each mechanism is delivered with the CE
stamp and a declaration of CE conformity
- Elebia® is a member of the F.E.M.
(Spanish Federation of Maintenance)