Eldes KeyBoB User Manual Download Page 1

User manual v1.0

Item Quantity

1. KeyBoB ..................................................1 
2.  CR2450 3V lithium battery ................1
3.   Key ring ..................................................1
3.  Warranty leaflet ...................................1 

Main features:

•  Alarm system arming & 


•  PGM output control;

•  Partition switch;

•  Stay Arm;

•  Up to 8 actions with a 

single key fob 

•  Key fob assignment to 


•  Inaudible Panic alarm

•  Visual and audio in-

dication of command 



Key fob, named KeyBoB, is a wireless device intended to re-

motely arm and disarm ELDES alarm system, cause inaudible 

Panic alarm or control any electric appliance connected to the 

alarm system’s PGM output. The maximum wireless connection 

range is 1700m (5577ft) in open areas.

By default, none of key fob’s buttons are pre-configured. Thus, 

user can configure each key fob depending on the personal 

preferences. A single key fob allows to complete up to 8 pos-

sible actions (i.e. 2 actions can be assigned to each button). EL-

DES alarm system supports up to 10 KeyBoB devices with the 

custom configuration. 







Disarm the 




Arm the 






The hole to attaching 

a key ring



Pic. No. 1 reflects the default 

key fob’s 


configuration. All key fob buttons are configurable ac-

cording to individual needs via 

Eldes Utility


2.1.  Electrical & Mechanical Characteristics

Battery type* ........................... 3V Lithium CR2450 type 


Quantity of batteries .............. 1

Battery operation time


 ...... 10+ years, or time period 

equivalent to 15,000 button 


Wireless band .......................... ISM868

Range of operating ................. -10…+55 °C (14... +131°F)


Humidity ................................... 0-90% RH @ 0... +40°C 

(0-90% RH @ +32... +104°F) 


Dimensions .............................. 69x35x12.6mm 


Wireless connectivy range .... Up to 1700m (5577ft) in open 


Compatible with


................ ESIM384; Pitbull Alarm PRO



 CR2450 3V lithium battery used as standard. Also CR2320 

3V lithium battery can be used with specially adapted bat-

tery holder. The standrard battery is included in the device.


 This operation time can be achieved by pressing the key 

fob’s buttons up to 4 times per day. The operation time de-

pends on different conditions and may vary.



Devices are compatible only with the latest firm-

ware versions


In order to start using KeyBoB, you must pair it with ELDES 

alarm system using ELDES Utility software (see chapter 




KeyBoB features 4 configurable buttons, intended to operate 

according to individual needs. User may choose up to 8 actions 

for a single key fob: 4 short press actions (i.e. to assign 1 “click 

and release” type of action to each button) and 4 long press ac-

tions (i.e. to assign 1 “click and hold” type of action to each but-

ton). User can set any action to any button (the only exception 


Panic alarm 

action - dedicated for long press ONLY).

Below you’ll find the list of all possible actions and the descrip-

tion of each action:

•  Arm System (Instant)

 – After the button is pressed, 

this function instantly arms the system. KeyBoB’s internal 

buzzer will emit 5 short beep sounds, LED indicator (red) 

will light up, confirming a transferred command to ELDES 

alarm system via wireless connection. Otherwise, key fob’s 

internal buzzer will emit 1 long beep sound and LED indica-

tor (red) will light up or flash quickly, informing user about 

unsuccessful attempt to transfer command (due to the 

system’s violation (action failed) or the wireless connec-

tion loss (out of range)).

•  Arm (Exit Delay) 

– After the button is pressed, this func-

tion arms the system after exit delay countdown is over 

(by default, exit 15 seconds). KeyBoB’s internal buzzer will 

emit 5 short beep sounds, LED indicator (red and green) 

will flash alternately, confirming a transferred command to 

ELDES alarm system via wireless connection. Otherwise, 

key fob’s  internal buzzer will emit 1 long beep sound and 

LED indicator (red) will light up or flash quickly, informing 

user about unsuccessful attempt to transfer command 

(due to the system’s violation (action failed) or the wire-

less connection loss (out of range)).

•  Arm (Stay mode) 

– After the button is pressed, this 

function arms the system in Stay mode. KeyBoB’s internal 

buzzer will emit 5 short beep sounds, LED indicator (red 

and green) will light up, confirming a transferred command 

to ELDES alarm system via wireless connection. Other-

wise, key fob’s internal buzzer will emit 1 long beep sound 

and LED indicator (red) will light up or flash quickly, inform-

ing user about unsuccessful attempt to transfer command 

(due the system’s violation (action failed) or the wireless 

connection loss (out of range)).

•  Disarm

 – After the button is pressed, this function dis-

arms the system. KeyBoB’s internal buzzer will emit 2 long 

beep sounds, LED indicator (green) will light up, confirming 

a transferred command to ELDES alarm system via wire-

less connection. Otherwise, key fob’s  internal buzzer will 

emit 1 long beep sound and LED indicator (red) will flash 

quickly, informing user about unsuccessful attempt to 

transfer command (due to the wireless connection loss 

(out of range)).

•  Turn output ON

 – After the button is pressed, this func-

tion turns ON the selected PGM output. KeyBoB’s internal 

buzzer will emit 1 quick beep sound, LED indicator (green) 

will quickly flash once, confirming a transferred command 

to ELDES alarm system via wireless connection (action 

success). Otherwise, key fob’s internal buzzer will emit 1 

long beep sound and LED indicator (red) will light up or 

flash quickly, informing user about unsuccessful attempt 

to transfer command (due to the system’s violation (action 

failed) or the wireless connection loss (out of range)).

•  Turn output OFF

 – After the button is pressed, this func-

tion turns OFF the selected PGM output. KeyBoB’s internal 

buzzer will emit 1 quick beep sound, LED indicator (green) 

will quickly flash once, confirming a transferred command 

to ELDES alarm system via wireless connection (action 

success). Otherwise, key fob’s internal buzzer will emit 1 

long beep sound and LED indicator (red) will light up or 

flash quickly, informing user about unsuccessful attempt 

to transfer command (due to the system’s violation (action 

failed) or the wireless connection loss (out of range)).

•  Toggle (Output)

 – After the button is pressed, this func-

tion changes the status of the selected PGM output (ON or 

OFF, depending on the previous status). KeyBoB’s internal 

buzzer will emit 1 quick beep sound, LED indicator (green) 

will quickly flash once, confirming a transferred command 

to ELDES alarm system via wireless connection (action 

success). Otherwise, key fob’s internal buzzer will emit 1 

long beep sound and LED indicator (red) will light up or 

flash quickly, informing user about unsuccessful attempt 

to transfer command (due to the system’s violation (action 

failed) or the wireless connection loss (out of range)).

•  Panic alarm

 – After the button is pressed, this function 

triggers virtual panic alarm (NOTE: this action is available 

only for Long Press setting). LED indicator (red) will light 

up and therefore confirm a transferred command to ELDES 

alarm system via wireless connection, while KeyBoB’s in-

ternal buzzer will remain silent (in case when Panic action 

is set, key fob’s buzzer is always disabled due to security 

reasons). Otherwise,key fob’s LED indicator (red) will flash 

quickly, informing user about unsuccessful attempt to 

transfer command (due to the wireless connection loss 

(out of range)).

•  Pulse ON output

 – PGM output state will be instantly 

changed (turned ON) for a determined time period and 

automatically turned OFF when the time period expires.

•  Pulse OFF Output

 – PGM output state will be instantly 

changed (turned OFF) for a determined time period and 

automatically turned ON when the time period expires.  


In order to 

pair the device with the alarm system, you’ll 

have to complete the following:

1)       Run 

ELDES Utility


3)      In software’s menu, open


Peripheral Devices



to see the list of all wireless devices; 

2)    When in 

Peripheral Devices


section, press the key fob 

button one time (

any button on your key fob

) and 

your key fob will instantly appear in the list; 

3)    Click 

Add to System

 button, located next to the un-

paired wireless key fob icon (grey icon); 

4)    Press the key fob button (

again, any button on your 

key fob

) once to complete the pairing process.


  If the pairing is successful, key fob’s LED indicator 

(green) will light up, and the icon next to the device will 




Your KeyBob

 is ready for use. 


  If you are unable to pair the wireless device, 

please restore the parameters of the wireless 

device to default and try again (see chapter 







