ELC DT2210 User Manual
Manufacturers name:
ELC lighting b.v.
Manufacturers address:
Weerijs 8
5422 WV Gemert
the Netherlands
Herewith take the full responsibility to confirm that the product
Product Category:
Lighting control equipment
Name of product:
ELC-DT2210 / ELC-DT2210_FI
Which refer to this declaration are manufactured in the Netherlands and complies with the
following product specifications and harmonized standards:
LVD (Low Voltage Directive) 2014/35/EU, EN62368-1
2014/30/EG, EN55032
With the presumption that the equipment is used and connected according to the manual,
supplied with the equipment. All signal input- and output connections must be shielded and
the shielding must be connected to the ground of the corresponding plug.
Gemert, February 16, 2018
ing. Joost van Eenbergen
Declaration of Conformity