Step 5:
Matching the bracket to the holes
of the inner duct cover and fix it
well with M4 screws.
Step 6:
Insert the inner duct cover into the
outer duct cover.
Please kindly note that the inner
duct cover must fix to the outer
duct cover
s orientatio n slot.
Step 7:
Put the outer duct cover to the unit
body, and use two M4x10 screws
to fix the outer duct cover to the
unit body.
Step 8:
1. D raw the inner duct cover up to
the suit able high, m ark on the w all
two key hole of the out er duct cover
bracket with a pen .
2. Put dow n the inner duct cover
gently, drill the keyholes in 6
mm depth on the horizontal
using 8m m drill.
3. Pr ess the expanding tube provided
into the holes.
4. M atching t he i nner duct cover with
the holes, tighten t he inner duct
cover wi th two 5x60 wood screw
Step 9:
Extend the air outlet of the exhaust
pipe out-of-door. Try to make the
bend of the exhaust pipe is more
than 120
Step 10 :
In sta ll g re ase fi lter. Match the fix
pi n to th e f ix ho le a nd bu tto n t he
fil ter gently a s t he dir ect ion o f ar ro w
Fix pi n
Fix h ole
Step 4:
Take o ut the cooker hoo d from
the carton and put it on a horizon-
tal wo rk table gently. Fix the reducer
pipe into the air outlet of the inner
duct, and then fix the exhaust pip e
into th e top of reducer,make sure it is
connected to the reducer tightly.
Exhaust pi pe
Air outlet
Inner duct
co ve r
M4 Screw
Inner du ct co ver
Outer duct cover
Orientation Slot
I nner duct co ver
Outer d uct cov er
fix screws
Wood Screw
Expandi ng Tube
Wood Screw
Expanding Tube