Elavon Hypercom T4200Series Quick Reference Manual Download Page 2

Lodging  A p p l i c a t i o n 

Quick Reference Guide



 Select Check-In



 Swipe card or input account # and 

  press [Enter]


 If prompted, input last 4 digits of 

  account # and press [Enter]


 If prompted, input expiration date    

  (MMYY) and press [Enter]


 Input $ amount and press [Enter]


 Terminal will prompt to input 

  check-in date:



Input date (MMDDYY) and 


       press [Enter]




Press [Enter] for current date


 Terminal will prompt to input  


  check-out date:



Input date (MMDDYY) and  


       press [Enter]




Press [Enter] for current date

Terminal displays:

Enter Room Number


 Input Room Number and press [Enter]


 Print customer receipt?  [YES/NO]



 Select Check-Out

Terminal Displays:

Invoice #

Room #


 Select appropriate option 


 Input Invoice # or Room # and 

  press [Enter]


 Terminal displays info; Press Select 

  to Check-out


 If prompted enter Check-out date and  

  press [Enter]


 Enter amount and press [Enter]

Terminal displays:

Same Card

New Card


 Select appropriate action


 Follow prompts


 Print customer receipt?  [YES/NO]
