User Manual
Doc.Ref : EVO-KNX-UM
– Paradox KNX Interface
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Enable the required group objects and select the number of PG, zone and areas to be used.
Note that the Paradox system is limited to 30 PGMs and only PGM status is available (no PG control).
For each Area selected, a tab is available in the left side menu to configure the scene control.
Open the first Area parameters
by selecting the section “Area 1”.
By default Area 1 is mapped to area 1 of the alarm system, by changing this value to 5 for example,
Area 1 of the KNX interface would be linked to area 5 in the alarm system.
For each status of the Area, set the scene number to be called. Leaving the scene number to 0 will
disable it.
Then repeat the same process for each Area in your project.
When GO and parameters are all configured, download the KNX Interface application to the device. The
first download requires to press the programming button on the device to set the device in KNX
programming mode then perform a full download.