- - XM605-V1.0-NR
<FAIL> DMX Fault Protection
This function dictates how the fixture will operate in the event DMX signal is
suddenly lost while operating in DMX mode. The three fail safe modes are; 1)
“OFF” which will blackout all light output. 2) “HOLD,” which will hold the last DMX
command, or 3 “AUTO,” which will put the fixture in sound-active mode.
<DFSE> - Restore Default
This function is used to restore the factory settings of the device. All settings will be
set back to the default values (shaded). Any edited scenes will be lost.
- Power on to preserve the MANL settings
This function will preserve all the manual setting that are made in the “MANL”
menu section. If this function is not activated all manual settings will be lost once
the fixture is tuned off.
- This function is used to change the functionality of the internal cooling
fans. Follow the procedure below to access the fan menu:
1. Access the main menu.
2. Tap the UP or DOWN button until “SPEC” is displayed, press ENTER.
3. Tap the UP or DOWN button until “FANS” is displayed, press ENTER.
4. The display will show “HIGH/AUTO/LOW”.
5. Press UP or DOWN button to select “HIGH” , “AUTO” or “LOW”.
6. Press ENTER to confirm.
7. Press MODE/ESC to return to the main menu.
<VER> Software Version
This function will display the current firmware version.
“MANL” – Manual Fixture Settings:
This function allows the each of the ten DMX channels to be controlled manually.
This will allow the fixture to be preset to a specific color or built-in program without the
use of a DMX console.
1. Select “MANL” by pressing [UP] or [DOWN] button.
2. Press [ENTER], the display shows “WHIT”, “STRB” .