LED Display On/Off:
To set the LED display to turn off after 10 seconds, press the MODE
button until ds-X is displayed, “X” representing either 1 or 2. Press
the UP or DOWN button so that ds-2 is displayed, now the display
will turn off after 10secs. Press any button for at least 5secs. to turn
the display on again. Be advised though that the display will turn off
automatically after 10 seconds of inactivity.
ds-1= LCD display on at all times.
ds-2= LCD display shuts off after 10 seconds.
Operating Modes:
You can use the EPAR QW in four ways:
• Macro Mode - There are 64 color macros to choose from.
• Auto Mode - There are 9 built in programs to choose from.
• RGBW mode - Control the intensity of all four colors adjusting the
intensity to your desire.
• DMX control mode - This function will allow you to control each
individual fixtures traits with a standard DMX 512 controller such as
as the Elation® Show Designer™.
Macro Mode:
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until “C-XX” is dis-
played. “XX” representing a number between 0-64.
2. There are 64 macros to choose from. Select your desired macro by
pressing the UP and DOWN buttons.
Program Mode:
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until “A-XX” is dis-
played. “XX” representing a number between 1-09 or AL.
2. There are 9 built-in programs to choose from or you can select
“A-AL” and run all 9 programs. Select your desired program by
pressing the UP and DOWN buttons. You can set your program
speed by following the next set of instructions.
Program Mode Speed Adjustment:
1. To adjust the speed of your program press the MODE button until
“P-XX” is displayed.
2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to make the adjustmetns. “P-01” is
the slowest speed, “P-16” the fastest speed. When the display
reads “P-So” the Auto mode is running by sound activity.
EPAR QW Operating Instructions
Elation Professional - www.elationlighting.com - EPAR QW Instruction Manual Page 8
Elation Professional - www.elationlighting.com - EPAR QW Instruction Manual Page 7
RGB Mode:
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until:
2. When rXXX is displayed you are in Red dimming mode. Press the
UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
3. When GXXX is displayed you are in Green dimming mode. Press the
UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
4. When bXXX is displayed you are in Blue dimming mode. Press the
UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
5. When UXXX is displayed you are in White dimming mode. Press the
UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
6. You can use the color macro chart on page 15 to create one of the 64
DMX Mode:
Operating through a DMX controller gives the user the freedom to create
their own programs tailored to their own individual needs. The EPAR QW
has 6 DMX modes: 1 Channel mode, 2 Channel mode, 4 Channel mode,
5 Channel mode, 7 Channel mode, and a 8 Channel mode. See pages
10-14 for each modes’ DMX traits.
1. This function will allow you to control each individual fixture’s traits
with a standard DMX 512 controller such as the Elation® Show
Designer™ or the Elation® DMX Operator™.
2. To run your fixture in DMX mode, plug in the fixture via the XLR con-
nections to any standard DMX controller. Select your desired DMX
mode, and then press the UP or DOWN buttons to adjust the DMX
XXX = DMX Address
3. To run the 1 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until “1XXX”
is displayed. This is the DMX addressing for the 1 Channel Mode.
4. To run the 2 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until “2XXX”
is displayed. This is the DMX addressing for the 2 Channel Mode.
5. To run the 4 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until “3XXX”
is displayed. This is the DMX addressing for the 4 Channel Mode.
6. To run the 5 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until “4XXX”
is displayed. This is the DMX addressing for the 5 Channel Mode.
7. To run the 7 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until “5XXX”
is displayed. This is the DMX addressing for the 7 Channel Mode.
8. To run the 8 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until “6XXX”
is displayed. This is the DMX addressing for the 8 Channel Mode.
9. Please see pages 10-14 for DMX values and traits.
EPAR QW Operating Instructions