6 TWN4 Palon Square PCB
6 TWN4 Palon Square PCB
6.1 Functional Overview
The TWN4 Palon Square is a complete RFID Reader system with MIFARE frontend. It supports low
(125kHz, depending on model) and high (13.56MHz) frequency transponders. For operation, it requires
a 5.0V (via USB, equipped socket depending on model) or 9.0V - 30V (via connector X1 or soldered on
cable) power source and connection to a host. The device can be connected to the host via USB or RS485
interface. The address for RS485 is configured by software. A bidirectional OneWire port is integrated
for special customer requirements. The TWN4 Palon Square also offers a dual SAM slot (depending on
model) and a speaker on board, as well as up to five RGB LEDs. For sabotage detection the board is
equipped with a sabotage button depending on the model.
The HF antenna is part of the reader board and the LF antenna (see Figure 6.1, thick black ring in the
middle) is optionally mounted on the board.
Figure 6.1: TWN4 Palon Square Functional Overview
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