Ke y Se que n ce
Displa y Visua l
The 426A2 Control Unit is equipped with two ala rms tha t ca n be individua lly progra mmed a nd ca n opera te in two different modes:
“Music” mode a la rm
O pera tes only when the Control Unit is off.
At the time a nd da ys progra mmed, the Control Unit switches on with the la st music cha nnel pla yed.
The volume is progra mma ble a nd different for each a la rm
O pera tes whether the Control Unit is off or on
At the time a nd da ys progra mmed, the Control Unit switches on a nd a specific beep signa l is a ctiva ted. The a la rm 1 a nd a la rm 2 beeps a re different
a nd have progra mma ble volumes.
Is equipped with a “dela y” function: a short key press of a ny key returns the Control Unit to its previous sta te (sta ndby or music) a nd a fter 4' the beep
signa l is a ctiva ted a ga in
To ca ncel the a la rm, press a ny key until a continuous beep sounds: it will return to its previous sta te (sta ndby or music) a nd the a la rm function ends.
The snooze function ma y be ca ncelled a t a ny time by holding down the O N/ O FF key for 2 seconds
“Be e p” mode a la rm
Access the progra m menu, select the O N/ O FF
sta tus, time a nd da ys of the week the function
should opera te, a s well a s the function mode
a nd volume.
7.10 . Ala rm s
Se e 6.1.1. Progra m Me n u: a la rm s
They a re a ctiva ted/ clea red by using the quick
The icons indica te if the a la rms a re
activa ted.