Never open the doors when the timer is running.
Don't view the U.V. Glass Filter continuously for a long time.
Don't move the machine when it is in use.
Don't put the hands inside the cabinet when the timer is still running.
Make sure that proper earthing is maintained at the time of installations.
This equipment is suitable for indoor use only and needs to be installed in
a laboratory environment.
This equipment is rated for a maximum ambient temperature of 40 deg C
and maximum humidity of 75% Rh.
The equipment is rated for use at a maximum altitude of 2000m.
The equipment shall be preferably lifted using more personnel lifting the
corners simultaneously. The use of safety shoes during this process is
highly recommended.
Equipment Maintenance:
1. The equipment should be subjected to routine preventive maintenance and
inspection necessary for safe operation. The maintenance frequency is to be
decided on the usage and the hours of operation.
2. If the inspection necessitates replacement of parts, the alternatives used
should be of the same type, rating and characteristics.
3. The equipment is to be cleaned with clean cloth rag soaked in pure/distilled
water and then dried using mild warm blow/heat gun if necessary.
4. Maintenance and inspection activities need to be performed by qualified
personnel only.