All Rights Reserved Eins Technology
Upgrading new firmware to the ROM is a breeze & it’s just a click away. When in the Setup
screen navigate to Update ROM page. On the bottom right corner, current version of the installed
firmware will be displayed. New firmware should be stored at the root directory a USB storage
device (USB thumb drive or USB HDD). With the USB storage device attached to the USB port
and browsed, press the Update ROM button at the bottom of the screen and ROM update will
start automatically. A status bar will show the progress of the update process. Ensure that power
is not turned off while update is in progress. This will take about 2 to 3 minutes to complete and
will reboot automatically. If unit does not auto reboot, just power off and power on the device.
You may set MPL to automatically reboot on predefine timing to clear off the
memory cache, this will help MPL to refresh memory cache for long time playing.
Device Time: You need to enter current time and date when first time turning on the device
(factory default) or when you reset device to factory default from updates menu option.
Daily Reboot Time: Reboot time could be set to a minute and will be repeated on daily basis.
Daily Reboot: to Enable or disable Daily Reboot option.