EINHELL BT-CD 18 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 8


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Anleitung_BT_CD_18_SPK1:_  11.09.2008  15:21 Uhr  Seite 49

Summary of Contents for BT-CD 18

Page 1: ... per lʼuso Trapano avvitatore a batteria lL Betjeningsvejledning Akku bore skruemaskine A Használati utasítás Akku fúrócsavarozó Bf Upute za uporabu Akumulatorska bušilica 4 Uputstva za korišćenje Akumulatorska bušilica j Návod k obsluze Akumulátorový vrtací šroubovák W Návod na obsluhu Akumulátorový vŕtací skrutkovač Anleitung_BT_CD_18_SPK1 _ 11 09 2008 15 21 Uhr Seite 1 ...

Page 2: ...2 1 2 1 3 7 6 8 2 3 5 4 1 2 5 6 8 1 7 5 a 1 2 Anleitung_BT_CD_18_SPK1 _ 11 09 2008 15 21 Uhr Seite 2 ...

Page 3: ...3 4 1 5 4 6 a 3 2 Anleitung_BT_CD_18_SPK1 _ 11 09 2008 15 21 Uhr Seite 3 ...

Page 4: ... case of misuse The user operator and not the manufacturer will be liable for any damage or injuries of any kind caused as a result of this Please note that our equipment has not been designed for use in commercial trade or industrial applications Our warranty will be voided if the machine is used in commercial trade or industrial businesses or for equivalent purposes 4 Technical data Voltage supp...

Page 5: ...ewdriver is fitted with a mechanical torque selector The torque for a specific size of screw is selected with the set collar 1 The correct torque depends on several factors on the type and hardness of material in question on the type and length screws used on the requirements needing to be met by the screwed joint The clutch disengages with a grating sound to indicate when the set torque is reache...

Page 6: ...ot use cleaning agents or solvents these could attack the plastic parts of the equipment Ensure that no water can seep into the device 7 2 Maintenance There are no parts inside the equipment which require additional maintenance 7 3 Ordering replacement parts Please quote the following data when ordering replacement parts Type of machine Article number of the machine Identification number of the ma...

Page 7: ...rnative to returning the electrical device the owner is obliged to cooperate in ensuring that the device is properly recycled if ownership is relinquished This can also be done by handing over the used device to a returns center which will dispose of it in accordance with national commercial and industrial waste management legislation This does not apply to the accessories and auxiliary equipment ...

Page 8: ...ak az utánnyomása és sokszorosítása kivonatosan is csak az ISC GmbH kifejezett beleegyezésével engedélyezett Bf Naknadno tiskanje ili slična umnožavanja dokumentacije i pratećih papira ovih proizvoda čak i djelomično kopiranje moguće je samo uz izričito dopuštenje tvrtke ISC GmbH 4 Potpuno ili delimično štampanje ili umnožavanje dokumentacije i službenih papira koji su priloženi proizvodu dozvolje...

Page 9: ...to the device e g sand stones or dust effects of force or external influences e g damage caused by the device being dropped and normal wear resulting from proper operation of the device The guarantee is rendered null and void if any attempt is made to tamper with the device 3 The guarantee is valid for a period of 2 years starting from the purchase date of the device Guarantee claims should be sub...

Page 10: ...edující shodu podle směrnice EU a norem pro výrobek A a következő konformitást jelenti ki a termékek re vonatkozó EU irányvonalak és normák szerint X pojasnjuje sledečo skladnost po smernici EU in normah za artikel deklaruje zgodność wymienionego poniżej artykułu z następującymi normami na podstawie dyrektywy WE W vydáva nasledujúce prehlásenie o zhode podľa smernice EÚ a noriem pre výrobok e декл...
