4-4 Adjustment
1 Focus Adjustment
Device: - Test equipment: video generator.
Inspection - Check the focus under the pattern of Full
Screen by the distance of 2.5m.
Criteria - Unbalance<=30cm
Procedure Adjustment:
- If the unbalance is over 30cm,pls do the
focus adjustment as below procedure.
1.Back focus ensure
Change to “Full Screen” pattern, Adjust the
lens room widest,adjust the focus fuzzy,then
measure the minmum imaging distance,
Confirm whether the distance value in the
lens specifications of +/- 3cm.
If not, adjust three setscrews (as the red
circle) to the specification.
If yes, Pls go to next step.
2.Bore sight adjustment.
Adjust the three setscrews to let the entire
image clear, crisp and sharp.
- Step 1. Use Ctrl-focus ↑↓ key to adjust
focus to make position 3 in focus.
- Step 2. Once position 3 is in focus, check
position 1. If position 1 is not in focus, use
“↑” or “↓” key to adjust focus till it is in focus.
- Step 3. If pressing “↑” key can focus
position 1, adjust setscrew clockwise.
If pressing “↓”key can focus position 1,
adjust setscrew C counterclockwise.
- Step 4. Refocus position 3 and see if
position1 is also in focus. If not, repeat step
- Step 5. Ensure position 2 is the same
method as position1.
- Step 6. Repeat Step 1~5 till positions 1, 2 &
3 are in focus at the same time.
Full screen