Eico HF 12 Instruction Manual Download Page 20

Summary of Contents for HF 12


Page 2: ...switch for zero cross talk 4 DC superimposed on all tube fi laments to el imina te cathode heater leakage as a source of hum 5 Low no ise dual triode used exclusively for separate bass and treble tone controls Extremely low distortion variable crossover feedback type circuit 6 Highly stable WilIiamson type powerampllfier circuit 7 Newly designed flat construction utilizing horizon tal chassis to p...

Page 3: ...o 5mv tape head 2mv tuner auxiliary 0 5 v Hum Noise Level below 12W mag phono 60db tape head 50db tuner auxiliary 75db Tone Control Range at 10kc f 13db at 50cps 16db Tubes 3 ECC83 12AX7 2 El84 1 EZ81 Size 35 8 high 12 wide 81 4 deep Weight 131bs Meosured from high level Inputs with tone controls set at flat positions IncIudes effect of compensation 2 ...

Page 4: ...onsole front panel preliminary to am plifier mounting 1 Tape the panel template provided to the face of the console so that the top of the mounting surface line on the template is level with the top of the amplifier mounting shelf 2 Use an awl or a nail to pierce the centers of the four 5 8 diameter holes for the controls the 3 8 hole for the vi ewing of the pilot lamp and the two smaII hoIes for ...

Page 5: ...such as a cathode follower wlth which up to 50 ft of cable can be used use tneshortestpasslble connectton 4 and low capacity snlelded cable cable having as low 01 25mmfd capacitance per foot Is available If ftle tuner employed has a valume control to adlust ftle output set this control to give about tne same sound level for any given setting of the amplifier VOlUM Econtrol 01 obtained from an aver...

Page 6: ...the tape deck manufacturer BASS CONTROL The plus sign on the right side of the dial indicates that clockwise rotation from the mid point 0 Increases boosts bass response the minus sign on the left side indicate that counter clockwise rotation from the mid point decreases cuts bass response There is no in teraction with the TREBLE control Start all adjustments with this control set at the mid point...

Page 7: ...ance and vol tage check of the stage using the data In the VOLTAGEand RESISTANCEchart Disconnect the ampll fler from the power line and discharge capacitors prior to making any resistance check and prior to removing either or both of the EL84 output tubes V4 and V5 Do not turn the amplifier on with either of the output tubes removed 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING A TYPICAL TUBE STAGE 1 Check tube 2 Check plat...

Page 8: ...V6 broken Connection to center tap of h v secondary winding of T2 open Output tubes V4 V5 over biased or not drawing current Excessive current drain in amplifier Defective V6 Vl defective Fil leads dressed too close to grid lead Tube shield not making electrical contact to base or base not making electrical con tact to chassis Shielding and grounding of wiring to input jacks not exoctly as instruc...

Page 9: ... 38 130KO 7 0 0 0 26 400KO 8 1 6 1 6 0 135 3 3KO 9 filament 165 1900 ECC83 12AX7 1 190 190 7 7 120KO V3 2 91 90 8 480Kn 3 93 92 7 7 IOCKO 4 5 filament 12 14VDC 6 3VAC to pin 9 165 1900 6 91 90 8 480KQ 7 0 0 1 37 210KO 8 0 85 0 8 1 25 1 8KO 9 filament 165 1900 ELM 1 V4 2 0 0 7 7 340KO 3 12 14 2 0 05 165 1900 4 5 filament 12 14VDC 6 3VAC between 165 1900 6 7 330 324 176 1600 8 9 336 330 3 9 0 ELM 1 ...

Page 10: ...he HF 12 run at less than 1950 despite the fact that the safety limitis at a much higher 221oF Although 19SOF is cool for a transformer it is very hot to the touch Transformers which seem too hot when touched with the hand are usually good and are actually not overheating Output transformers usual y run cooler than power transformers Some output transformers may appear hotter than others due to be...

Page 11: ... 11526 R3 4 res 200KO 1 2W 5 2 42001 washer flat 3 8 1 10423 R5 res 2 2KO 1 XH 10 1 42002 washer lock 116 22 10430 R6 res 4 7KO 1 XH 10 1 42007 washer lock 114 14 10407 R7 8 res lMQ 1 XH 10 2 42008 washer lock 8 12 11504 R9 res 9OKo 1 2W 5 1 42032 washer flat 8 2 10400 Rl0 21 26 27res 10KQ 1 2W 10 4 43000 lug 6 2 18038 Rll pot 300m audio taper volume 1 43004 lug 8 1 18033 R12 pot lMQ linear taper ...

Page 12: ...1 switch seleetee C6 cop 85Ommf 10 CI8 cap 20 40 40mfd 400 350 350 R2 rei 470KQ I ZW IO RI4 res 331CQ I ZW IO R26 res IOKQ I ZW lO 52 swlteh on off port 01 R13 C7 cap 25mfd 400V C19 cop 2200mmf 10 R3 res 2OO1CQ I ZW 5 RI5 rei l00KQ I ZW 10 ll R27 rei 10KQ 1 ZW lO VI lube 12AX7 C8 cop 1 mfd 400V C20 cop 6800 mmf 10 R4 rei 2OO1CQ 1 ZW 5 R16 res 1 21CQ I ZW 10 ll R28 rei 165Cl SW S ll V2 lube 12AX7 C...

Page 13: ...a rosin joint which is unsatisfactory On the other hand If too much heat is appl ied to a joint the parts connected to It may either change value loose their protective coating or break down If you are sol dering close to a part hold the lead between the part and the joint being sol dered with the tip of 0 pair of longnose pliers The pliers will conduct the heot away and prevent the component from...

Page 14: ...Fig 1 e17 __ ___ r Y nAr l I I II J I I _ r J r I _ _______ XV4 TB6 TB11 TB3 XV6 TB9 TB5 TB2 Xl1 TB1 XV5 J5 n J6 ii C _ J3 4 J R30 r J1 2 TB10 _ XV3 TB4 XV2 XV1 TB7 If J TB8 ...

Page 15: ...trip TB5 as shown Use one 6 32 screw one 6 lockwasher and one 6 32 hex nut 9 Fig 1 Mount Cl 3 post 2 left with ground terminal strip T86 as shown Use one 6 32 screw one 6 lockwasher and one 6 32 hex nut 10 Fig 1 Using the same hole mount a 1 post left terminal strip TB7 from the top and 30mfd electrolytic capacitor ICl7 as shown Observe the polarity on the capacitor Use one 6 32 screw one 6 lockwa...

Page 16: ...N I I 4C 00 U N ...

Page 17: ...nsformer T1 32005 as shown Use four S 32 hex nuh and four IS lockwashers Note that the yellow lead and the brown lead face the rear of the chassis toward T82 5 Fig 2 Mount the power transformer T2 30019 as shown Use four S 32 hex nuts and fourlSlockwashers Add a IS ground lug under one of the lockwashers as shown Note thot the green leads face the center of the chassis and the tube sockets XV4 and...

Page 18: ... a J3 J4 J1 J2 TB2 Tl TB3 teC18 7 XV1 TB4 TB9 XV2 elf J6 R30 T2 J5 TBl R28 XV5 XV4 TB6 XV6 C15 TB5 XV3 Fig 3 ...

Page 19: ...brown wire Connect one endof theblack wire toXV6 5 5 and one end of the brown wire to XV6 4 5 Twist the two wires and run along the chassis as shown Connect the black wire to R30 1 C and the brown wire to R30 3 C 8 Fig 3 Twist the two green leads from the power transformer T2 and run along the chassis as shown Connect one green lead to R30 3 5 and the other green lead to R30 1 5 9 Fig 3 Connect a ...

Page 20: ... lEi _ Wi t 10 m b 0 0 _ I r 4 TB3 R32 R3 C21 I R6 R7 XV1 C1 t r IR 10 t ttC5 R5 R31 C2 R4 TB9 C18 R18 I TB4 J6 R30 J5 XV4 T2 XV5 TB6 TB5 XV3 XV6 C8 R17 R20 R15 C20 R14 XV2 R16 TB10 C7 TB11 Fig 4 ...

Page 21: ...4 7 5 the red lead to XV4 9 5 and the blue lead to XV5 7 5 20 Fig 4 Connect a 33KQ orange orange orange silver resistor R14 from TB4 3 C to XV2 1 c Cut both leads to 3 4 21 Fig 4 Connect a 100KQ brown black yellow silver resistor R15 from TB4 3 5 to XV2 6 C Cut both leads to 1 22 Fig 4 Connect a 3 3KQ orange orange red si Iver resistor R17 from T84 2 C to XV2 8 5 Cut both leads to 3 4 23 Fig 4 Con...

Page 22: ... C16 52 R13 TB7 PCl R12 Rll 51 C3 R33 TB8 R9 C4 C6 Fig S ...

Page 23: ...gh hole Y near R12 to the bottom of the chassis 15 Fig 5 Connect the black lead that passes through hole llyn to R13 3 C 16 Fig 5 Cut and connect the leads on the printed circuit board PC1 in the prescribed sequence as follows Put 21 4 of spaghetti on lead 1 1 1 2 of spaghetti on lead 4 1 of spaghetti on lead 5 and 2 of spaghetti on lead 7 4 Fig 5 5trip the outer insulation of one endofa 41 2 piec...

Page 24: ...C ll _ _ J4 J3 R1 J2 J1 U XV4 5 _ ill 1ll R27 R25 l n I tJ I e i LJLLTB5 J_h LLL C13 R2 3 r f l 1l R2 Cll TB9 l JT t 1 l TP l J6 R26 XV5 R 21 R 24 TB6 C9 n C10 C12 R19 XV6 R 22 XV3 R36 XV2 R35 T611 Fig 6 ...

Page 25: ...d wit h 1 2 of spaghetti from J3 2 C to J2 2 C Be careful not to touch any mounting screw or the bare chassis with the bare wire 16 Fig 6 Connect a 100KO brown black ye llow silver resistor RI from J3 1 C to J3 2 S 17 Fig 6 Run the four conductor shielded cable from rectangular hole under Sl along the chassis as shown CUf the outer insulation bac k I 1 2 Unwrap the metal shield and twist the shie ...

Page 26: ... Ill n Control Plote Bezel Tinnerman a 32 8 32 3 8 Brow Fig 7 ...

Page 27: ...n the openings provided in the bottom plate The method is to work the rounded portion of each foot into the interior of the cabinet from the outside using a small screwdriver The flat portion shou Id be the actual resting or contact surface 9 Fig 7 Insert the perforated cover into the rai Is on the side pieces and slide it forward fully 10 Fig 7 Mount the control plate on the bezel locating the ho...

Page 28: ...s that a re not completed or instruments that are modifi ed will not be accepted for repair Instruments that show evidence of acid core solder or paste fluxes wi II be returned not repaired NOTE Before returning this unit be sure all parts are securely mounfed Attach a tag to the instrument giving your home address and the trouble with the unit Pack very carefully in a rugged container using suffi...
