Before any work on the tool, disconnect the plug from the
Actuate the spindle stop and keep it pressed.
Mount or remove the tool.
In order to check whether the spindle stop is
released before you switch on the tool, turn the
spindle slightly.
First, mount the sanding disc with velcro-type fastening on the work
spindle. Screw it on and tighten it by means of a jaw wrench SW 22. In
order to hold up, use the spindle stop.
Press the grinding wheel which is necessary for
your application on the sanding disc with
velcro-type fastening. Pay attention that the
sanding disc is well-positioned on the tool, in
fact as exact as possible. This allows a quiet
run of the machine.
Let the machine run for a short period of time and in a safe position. If the
machine does not run easily, stop working immediately.
Switch the machine on and put it carefully on the surface you want to work
on. Regulate the water supply according to the materials. Hold the tool
with both hands and work with circular or linear movements. Never put on
the whole surface of the sanding disc. Always grind with a small angle
between grinding disc and the surface of the workpiece.