GB - Declaration of Conformity
We declare as the manufacturer under our sole responsibility that the
product described under “Technical Data” fulfi lls all the relevant provisions
of the following Regulations S.I. 2008/1597 (as amended), S.I. 2017/1206
(as amended), S.I. 2012/3032 (as amended) and that the following
designated standards have been used:
BS EN 62841-1:2015 BS EN 62841-2-3:2021 + A11:2021
BS EN 55014-1:2017+A11:2020 BS EN 55014-2:2015
BS EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019 BS EN 61000-3-3:2013 + A1:2019
BS EN IEC 63000:2018
Technical file (S.I. 2008/1597) at:
Elektrowerkzeuge GmbH Eibenstock
Auersbergstraße 10
D – 08309 Eibenstock
Lothar Lässig Frank Markert
General Manager Head of Engineering
Eibenstock, 17.01.2023
Subject to change without notice.