If you installed Alarms with RadioLINK modules and did not House Code them, you
may be receiving alarm signals from a neighbouring system. This can be easy
rectified by “House Coding” your Alarms - see booklet ‘RF Modules for Battery
Powered Smoke & Heat Alarms.
1. To cancel a false alarm from a Smoke Alarm (which has its red light flashing
rapidly), press the Test/Hush button (the Smoke Alarm will automatically switch to a
reduced sensitivity condition).
The Smoke Alarms will be silenced for a period of approximately 10 minutes. The
red light on the cover of the Smoke Alarm will flash every 10 seconds (instead of 40
seconds) to indicate that the unit has been silenced.
2. The Smoke Alarm will reset to normal sensitivity at the end of the silenced period
(10 minutes). If additional silenced time is required, simply push the Test/Hush
button again.
3. If kitchen usage/layout is such that there are an unacceptable level of nuisance
alarms, re-locate the Smoke Alarm further away where it will be less affected by
cooking fumes etc. We recommend the use of a Heat Alarm in the Kitchen area to
avoid such nuisance alarms.
5.3 Power Supply Monitoring
5.3.1 What to do when an Alarm is beeping:
A Smoke Alarm is beeping about every 40 seconds with the red light flashing at
the same time:
- If it is a
9V Replaceable Battery model
then replace the battery.
- If it is a
10 Year Lithium Battery model
then replace the entire unit.
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