A cleaner sound.
The very best music experiences have something in common.
Be it a warm guitar, a jazzy voice, a tingling piano piece, total
presence. Every nuance becomes suddenly important. You
listen, experience, and want to stay in the moment.
A triangular membrane is the secret behind the clean
sound of an Ehrlund Microphone. The technology is based
on knowledge of the properties of sound that dates back
thousands of years. Just as a circular shape gives sound
resonance, a triangle muffles resonances fast. An association
that no microphone company before us has picked up on.
The end result is a sound almost free from background
noise and disturbing resonances. A sound where even the
tiniest of nuances of voice and instrument can come through.
This creates a music experience that feels incredibly
intimate, tight and genuine. Music that gets under your skin.
The way music is supposed to sound.