Industriestraße 3
89165 Dietenheim
USt-IdNr.DE 130839188
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Stand 07.02.2020
Tel.: +49 (0)7303/1600-0
eMail: info@ehrle.de
Subject to changes
Quick Star Guide
Charging Terminal RFT02
for EHRLE-CarWash-Key
Unpack UnicoCard software and run the setup
When asking “Do you want to install RFTech USB
driver?”, select “Yes”
After installation connect desktop reader to PC via USB cable
Start the software by double-clicking on the i
con „UnicoCard“
Go to Options ->Language to set the language for the software
After selecting the language,
click on the „Read Card“ button ->
Now a password must be entered. This code can be found on the keyreader of the carwash
or on the currency list. For example, the code might be 100-1052-1000. The first 3 digits form
the Administrator, the following 4-digit number forms the location and the last 4-digit part
forms the Access level.
Confirm the password with „OK“.