GIGA-WIRE is the driver technology developed by Ego Sys/Audiotrak which routes the
output of GigaStudio into the inputs of ASIO. It is not available for WDM because GIGA-
WIRE is a dynamically loaded driver like ASIO. You can record directly from Cubase and
insert all VST plugins into Cubase under the channels streaming from Giga Studio.
However, there are some limitations to consider and here are some steps to follow:
GIGA-WIRE will only work with GigaStudio v2.2.41 or higher. With this version
of GigaStudio, all latencies in the Control Panel can be used (eg. 64,128, 256, &
The priority of GigaStudio -> Settings ->General -> Sequencer -> Priority.
“Priority” should be set to “8.” Otherwise, you will encounter dropouts.
NOTE: This is crucial in order to achieve proper functioning of GIGA-WIRE!
We recommend you to set the latency in the Control Panel:
64 or 128 samples – for 1 track of real-time keyboard inputs.
256 or 512 samples – for recording or mixdown projects.
Here is an example:
1. Start GigaStudio V 2.2.41 (or higher).
2. Load a sample.
3. Start
4. Open Cubase -> Panels -> VST inputs.
- It should now be possible to see GIGA-WIRE. (IF you didn’t start GigaStudio
prior to Cubase, GIGA-WIRE will not appear under the VST Input Panel.)
5. Select a GIGA-WIRE input.